Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5905-00-007-8022 Resistor

electrical resistance per section: 10 kilohms single section body diameter: 0.813 inches

NSN 6640-00-007-8222 Tubing

overall length: 36 inches glass material

5962-00-007-8097 Linear Microcircuit

body length: 0.66 inches to 0.785 inches

5310-00-007-8088 Nut

model: 8983161-602

5840-00-007-8086 Captive Stud

model: 8945611-45

5310-00-007-8067 Flat Washer

model: 466574-35

5840-00-007-8064 Clip

model: 461034-2

5360-00-007-8056 Spring

model: 1714767-3

NSN 5905-00-007-8023 Resistor

shaft length: 0.45 inches shaft diameter: 0.125 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-8019 Capacitor

body length: 0.938 inches terminal length: a least 1.625 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-8018 Capacitor

body length: 1.75 inches terminal length: at least 1.625 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-8016 Capacitor

body length: 1.5 inches terminal length: at least 1.625 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-8015 Capacitor

terminal length: at least 1.625 inches terminal diameter: 0.032 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-8013 Capacitor

terminal length: at least 1.625 inches body length: 0.688 inches

5840-00-007-8012 Grid Cap

model: 1710090-1