Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

3455-00-007-9628 Rotary File

model: aa51151-1a8b

5925-00-007-9564 Circuit Breaker

reset method manual

NSN 5930-00-007-7660 Thermostatic Switch

height: up to 0.405 inches frequency in hertz: 60 first voltage

5930-00-007-9554 Toggle Switch

model: pl638704-519t

5930-00-007-9553 Rotary Switch

model: pl638726-1

NSN 5930-00-007-9552 Rotary Switch

demil: not controlled

NSN 4720-00-007-9433 Hose

wall thickness: 0.12 inches rubber material

NSN 4730-00-007-9429 Coupling Half

copper length: 2 inches

5840-00-007-4324 Dust Cover

model: 1716342-1

NSN 5961-00-007-7659 Diode Semiconductor Device

diameter: up to 0.667 inches nominal thread size: 0.25 inches

NSN 5980-00-007-7652 Light Emitting Diode

operating temperature per measurement point: up to 100 degrees celsius ambient air

NSN 5935-00-007-7644 Electrical Plug Connector

width: up to 0.61 inches cable entrance diameter: up to 0.625 inches

5935-00-007-7643 Electrical Plug Connector

length: up to 2.431 inches height: up to 1.67 inches

NSN 5930-00-007-7635 Thermostatic Switch

height: up to 0.618 inches contact load current rating: 4 amperes resistive load single voltage

NSN 5950-00-007-7634 Reactor

body outside diameter: up to 0.344 inches winding operating current: up to 2 milliamperes dc single component single winding

NSN 5925-00-007-7629 Circuit Breaker

height 1.218 operating voltage type and rating per pole in volts 120 ac all locations

NSN 5930-00-007-7628 Rotary Switch

thread length 0.343 single mounting facility operating temp range -62 to 85 degrees celsius

NSN 5905-00-007-7625 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

body diameter: 0.25 inches power dissipation rating in watts: 0.05 free air