Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

Lub Assembly

teletype and facsimile equipment model: 312930


teletype and facsimile equipment model: 309193


teletype and facsimile equipment model: 193876

Drop-lock Bushing

teletype and facsimile equipment model: 192818

Plate Assembly

teletype and facsimile equipment model: 192816

Plate Assembly

teletype and facsimile equipment model: 192815

Plate Assembly

teletype and facsimile equipment model: 192812


teletype and facsimile equipment model: 521169383

NSN 5961-00-007-3995 Transistor

terminal length: at least 0.5 inches current rating per characteristic: up to 150 milliamperes source cutoff current

Unitized Semiconductor Devices

diameter: 0.335 inches height: 0.26 inches

NSN 5930-00-007-3990 Sensitive Switch

contact load current rating at highest rated voltage: 5 amperes resistive dc and 3 amperes inductive dc and 5 amperes resistive ac

NSN 5910-00-007-3975 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

dc leakage at highest operating temperature: 35 microamperes terminal diameter: 0.02 inches

NSN 5910-00-007-3974 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

body length: 0.474 inches dc leakage at highest operating temperature: 40 microamperes

NSN 5910-00-007-3973 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

body length 0.474 body diameter 0.185

NSN 1560-00-007-9005 Structural Panel

length: 44.25 inches width: 30.55 inches

NSN 1560-00-007-9001 Structural Panel

length: 40.45 inches width: 35.8 inches

NSN 1560-00-007-8997 Structural Panel

length: 80.88 inches aluminum alloy

Defog Duct Guard

aluminum hole diameter: 0.249 inches to 0.255 inches

5325-00-007-8837 Grommet

rubber material

NSN 3020-00-007-9428 Gear

pitch diameter: 0.686 inches to 0.687 inches aluminum alloy

NSN 4720-00-007-9424 No Item Name Available

temperature rating: -40 degrees fahrenheit to 200 degrees fahrenheit single response burst test pressure: 1600 pounds per square inch single response

NSN 3020-00-007-9419 Gear

pitch diameter: 1.093 inches to 1.0937 inches steel

NSN 3020-00-007-9418 Gear

pitch diameter: 1.014 inches to 1.015 inches steel

NSN 3020-00-007-9417 Spur Gear

pitch diameter: 1.952 inches to 1.953 inches aluminum alloy