Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5305-00-010-8601 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

hexagon head cap screw nsn 5305000108601. thread class: 2a

NSN 3020-00-012-3988 Spur Gear

3020000123988. spur gear has a total quantity of 72 standard style teeth.

NSN 5905-00-012-3937 Film Fixed Resistor

5905000123937. film fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 150.0 kilohms.

NSN 5340-00-010-8421 Retaining Strap

retaining strap nsn 5340000108421. overall length: between 4.353 inches and 5.013 inches ⁓5-1/64 inches

NSN 5910-00-010-8420 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108420. reliability failure rate level in percent: 0.1.10000.1

NSN 5315-00-010-8419 Plain Tapered Pin

plain tapered pin nsn 5315000108419. distance from centerline of hole to end of pin: between 0.078 inches and 0.093 inches

NSN 3020-00-012-3936 Spur Gear

3020000123936. spur gear has a total quantity of 90 standard style teeth.

Spur Gear NSN 3020-00-012-3933

3020000123933. spur gear has the material document and classification: qq-a-225/8 t6 federal specification single material response.

NSN 5915-00-010-8333 Radio Frequency Interfere Filter

radio frequency interfere filter nsn 5915000108333. body length: 5.375 inches

NSN 5940-00-012-3928 Terminal Board

5940000123928. terminal board has a center to center distance between terminal of 0.842 inches.

NSN 5360-00-010-8327 Torsion Helical Spring

torsion helical spring nsn 5360000108327. inside diameter: 0.469 inches

NSN 5910-00-010-8325 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108325. body diameter: 0.383 inches

5910-00-010-8308 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108308. terminal length: 1.500 inches

NSN 3110-00-012-3897 Airframe Ball Bearing

3110000123897. airframe ball bearing has a bore diameter of between 2.3122 inches and 2.3126 inches.

4720-00-012-3568 Nonmetallic Tubing Assembly

nominal thread size 0.125in. 2nd end ⁓2-1/64

NSN 1560-00-010-8305 Ramp Rail Flipper

ramp rail flipper nsn 1560000108305.

NSN 1560-00-010-8304 Aft Fuselage Ramp Assembly

aft fuselage ramp assembly nsn 1560000108304.

NSN 5342-00-010-8287 Hoist Fitti Bracket

hoist fitti bracket nsn 5342000108287.

NSN 5365-00-010-8213 Shim

shim nsn 5365000108213. construction one-piece

NSN 5365-00-010-8211 Shim

shim 5365000108211.

NSN 5360-00-010-8207 Flat Spring

flat spring nsn 5360000108207.

4730-00-012-3566 Tube To Hose Elbow

flow angle 90 degrees

5305-00-012-3561 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

thread length between 0.875in. ⁓7/8

NSN 4320-00-012-3555 Rotary Pump

maximum discharge flow rate 19 gallons per minute

5310-00-012-3550 Hexagon Plain Nut

nut height 0.312in. ⁓5/16

NSN 5905-00-012-3541 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000123541. wire wound fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 2.2 kilohms.

NSN 5930-00-010-5378 Rotary Switch

shaft length 0.75 single actuator

NSN 4820-00-010-5201 Vacuum Breaking Valve

vacuum breaking valve nsn 4820000105201. body material aluminum alloy