Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 3120-00-012-4242 Thrust Washer Bearing

3120000124242. thrust washer bearing has an outside diameter of between 3.342 inches and 3.352 inches.

NSN 5935-00-012-4194 Electrical Connector Insert

5935000124194. electrical connector insert has an overall width of 1.62 inches and an overall height of 0.88 inches.

NSN 3120-00-012-4190 Sleeve Bushing

3120000124190. sleeve bushing has an overall length of 1.09 inches.

5305-00-010-5834 Wood Screw

wood screw nsn 5305000105834. head style round

NSN 4710-00-012-4185 Metal Tube Assembly

4710000124185. metal tube assembly has a flare single end connection style.

NSN 2840-00-012-4184 Diffuser Case Bracket Assembly

2840000124184. diffuser case bracket assembly has the general characteristics item description: cres ams 5504 bracket material consisting of three partno. 393798 spacers one part no. 474618 bracket with dim. 0.085-0.11in. thk 2.565 in. lg rockwell c

5305-00-010-6276 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

hexagon head cap screw nsn 5305000106276. thread direction right-hand

5310-00-010-6264 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000106264. center hole shape style round

5310-00-010-6262 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000106262. hole diameter 0.312in. ⁓5/16

Aircraft Maintenance Platform NSN 1730-00-012-4182

1730000124182. aircraft maintenance platform has an overall height of 135.0 inches and an overall width of 450.0 inches.

NSN 5305-00-012-4161 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

5305000124161. hexagon head cap screw has a hexagon head style and a head height of 0.281 inches.

5905-00-010-6254 Composition Fixed Resistor

composition fixed resistor nsn 5905000106254. resistance tolerance in percent -5.0 to 5.0

NSN 5305-00-012-4155 Hexagon Head Cap Screw

5305000124155. hexagon head cap screw has a hexagon head style and a head height of 0.312 inches.

NSN 6680-00-012-4154 Liquid Quantity Indicator

6680000124154. liquid quantity indicator has an integral light illumination color generation method.

NSN 2995-00-012-4153 Air Bleed Nozzle Assembly

2995000124153. air bleed nozzle assembly cage code: 0ahp5

NSN 2915-00-012-4302 Fuel Orifice Assembly

2915000124302. fuel orifice assembly cage code: 72914

5305-00-010-5854 Wood Screw

wood screw nsn 5305000105854. head style round

NSN 3130-00-012-4239 Bearing Unit Housing

3130000124239. bearing unit housing has a mounting hole diameter of 0.284 inches and a bore diameter of between 3.346 inches and 3.3467 inches.

5305-00-010-5846 Wood Screw

wood screw nsn 5305000105846. head style round

NSN 1615-00-012-4237 Gear Box Ring

1615000124237. gear box ring cage code: 78286

5310-00-010-5605 Square Plain Nut

square plain nut nsn 5310000105605. thread direction right-hand

5310-00-010-5604 Square Plain Nut

square plain nut nsn 5310000105604. thread class 2b

3431-00-010-5596 Nitrogen Conduit Liner

nitrogen conduit liner nsn 3431000105596. general characteristics item description for 3/64 in. diameter wire

NSN 5905-00-012-4226 Nonwire Wound Variable Resistor

5905000124226. nonwire wound variable resistor has a pilot diameter of between 1.8745 inches and 1.875 inches.

NSN 5905-00-012-4224 Nonind Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905000124224. nonind wire wound fixed resistor has an electrical resistance of 8.25 kilohms.

NSN 5961-00-012-4219 Transistor

5961000124219. transistor has an overall length of 0.21 inches and a terminal length of 0.5 inches.

5340-00-010-5549 Butt Hinge Leaf

butt hinge leaf nsn 5340000105549. material thickness between 0.044 inches and 0.056 inches

NSN 5961-00-012-4215 Transistor

5961000124215. transistor has an overall length of 0.34 inches and an overall diameter of 0.5 inches.

4710-00-010-5461 Metal Tube Assembly

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000105461. thread class 3b single end

NSN 5961-00-012-4207 Diode Semiconductor Device

5961000124207. diode semiconductor device features a hermetically sealed case.