Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5340-00-015-9138 Case Leg

case leg nsn 5340000159138. the overall length is 48.0in. ⁓48-1/64

6650-00-012-2424 Aligning Sight

6650000122424. aligning sight part number: 400-2009598pc175

4140-00-010-2986 Centrifugal Fan

enamel housing outside

NSN 4320-00-012-2391 Liquid Deflector

inside diameter 1.031 outside diameter 1.75

NSN 4320-00-012-2381 Ring

copper material height 0.766

NSN 3120-00-012-2379 Bushing

length 1.625in. ⁓1-5/8 copper material

NSN 1730-00-015-7973 Aircraft Component Hoisting Unit

aircraft component hoisting unit nsn 1730000157973. the end item identification is c141 aircraft

NSN 4720-00-012-2372 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly

burst test pressure 10000 pounds per square inch

Aircraft Component Hoisting Unit NSN 1730-00-015-7970

part number 3s70004-101 aircraft component hoisting unit nsn 1730000157970.

5310-00-010-3050 Hexagon Castellated Plain Nut

hexagon castellated plain nut nsn 5310000103050. thread class 2b

5330-00-012-2351 Gasket

5330000122351. gasket part number: 1925479

5342-00-012-2331 Weapon System Resilient Mount

5342000122331. weapon system resilient mount has a rectangular with flanged bushing style designator.

1015-00-010-3016 Loaders Excape Hatch Assembly

loaders excape hatch assembly nsn 1015000103016. end item identification m-60 series tank

Machine Screw NSN 5305-00-015-5288

machine screw nsn 5305000155288. the thread direction is right-hand

4730-00-012-2310 Boss Nipple

4730000122310. boss nipple is made of aluminum alloy 7075 and has an anodize surface treatment.

NSN 5950-00-010-3003 Audio Frequency Transformer

maximum operating temp 130 degrees celsius

NSN 5310-00-015-4675 Round Self-locking Nut

round self-locking nut nsn 5310000154675. the thread class is 3b.

2530-00-012-2301 Pump Repair Kit

2530000122301. pump repair kit part number: 896643 and sk0669

Roller Set Idler Gear NSN 3020-00-015-4616

roller set idler gear nsn 3020000154616. the end item identification is an/ale-27; wsd: aircrafts: hercules c-130; sof (ac-130h mc-130h ec-130e hc-130)

5305-00-010-2885 Setscrew

setscrew nsn 5305000102885. thread class 2a

NSN 5310-00-012-2230 Hexagon Plain Nut

5310000122230. hexagon plain nut has a hexagon nut style and a nut height of 0.219 inches.

2990-00-010-2789 Exhaust Muffler

exhaust muffler nsn 2990000102789. overall length 31.0in. ⁓31-1/64

Control Test Set NSN 4920-00-015-4313

control test set nsn 4920000154313. the end item identification is c-141 acft

5305-00-010-2224 Wood Screw

wood screw nsn 5305000102224. fastener length 3.0in. ⁓3-1/64

NSN 2530-00-012-2233 Steering Con Piston

2530000122233. steering con piston cage code: 11083

5305-00-010-2619 Setscrew

setscrew nsn 5305000102619. thread class 3a

Nonmetallic Hose Assembly NSN 4720-00-012-2231

4720000122231. nonmetallic hose assembly has a burst test pressure of 16000.0 pounds per square inch.

NSN 2540-00-015-4212 Pedal Pad

pedal pad nsn 2540000154212. the overall length is 4.500 inches.