Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

5310-00-010-3346 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000103346. hole diameter 0.8125in. ⁓13/16

Ring Spacer NSN 5365-00-012-3720

5365000123720. ring spacer has an overall thickness of 0.187 inches.

Hexagon Head Cap Screw NSN 5305-00-012-3593

5305000123593. hexagon head cap screw has a hardness rating of between 95.5 rockwell b and 100.0 rockwell b.

6650-00-010-5228 Optical Element Spacer

optical element spacer nsn 6650000105228. overall length 0.2in. ⁓13/64

5855-00-010-5231 Optical Element Retainer

optical element retainer nsn 5855000105231. width 0.562 inches

NSN 5305-00-014-5361 Drive Screw

drive screw nsn 5305000145361. the head style is round

NSN 4910-00-016-8833 Tire Bead Breaker Finger

tire bead breaker finger nsn 4910000168833. the general characteristics item description is cast tenzaloy o/a dim. 6.0 in. long 3.125 in. wide

NSN 5320-00-016-8748 Solid Rivet

solid rivet nsn 5320000168748. the fastener length is 0.563in. ⁓37/64

5340-00-010-5138 Loop Clamp

loop clamp nsn 5340000105138. tongue hole type round unthreaded

5305-00-010-5137 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000105137. thread length between 0.429in. and 0.578in. ⁓37/64

6145-00-010-5135 Electrical Wire

electrical wire nsn 6145000105135. strand quantity per conductor 19 single conductor

1410-00-012-3856 Surface Attack Guided Missile

1410000123856. surface attack guided missile has 1 quantity per shipping container.

2920-00-016-9911 Bat Cover Screw Nut

navistar intl corp bat cover screw nut nsn 2920000169911

3930-00-016-9649 Adjusting Screw

adjusting screw nsn 3930000169649

3930-00-016-9634 Drive Wheel Chain

hyster-yale group drive wheel chain nsn 3930000169634

6625-00-010-5128 Arbitrary Scale Meter

arbitrary scale meter nsn 6625000105128. circuit current for which designed dc

5320-00-010-5102 Solid Rivet

solid rivet nsn 5320000105102. fastener length between 2.234in. and 2.266in. ⁓2-17/64

5320-00-010-4095 Solid Rivet

solid rivet nsn 5320000104095. fastener length 0.5in. ⁓1/2

3020-00-012-3704 Magnet Gear Changer

3020000123704. magnet gear changer part number: 2813054 and buwepsdwg2813054

3040-00-012-3702 Control Cam

3040000123702. control cam part number: 2662990 and buwepsdwg2662990

5998-00-012-3701 Circuit Card Assembly

5998000123701. circuit card assembly part number: 2813059

5133-00-010-4005 Twist Drill

twist drill nsn 5133000104005. shank diameter 0.093 inches

5360-00-010-3976 Torsion Helical Spring

torsion helical spring nsn 5360000103976. inside diameter between 0.815 inches and 0.845 inches

NSN 5970-00-016-6180 Insulator Adapter

insulator adapter nsn 5970000166180.

4470-00-012-3680 Rod Position Indicator

material will be in accordance with navicp mech activity hx quality control manufacturing and testing specifications

5305-00-014-5183 Tapping Screw

tapping screw nsn 5305000145183. the fastener length is 0.312 inches

5996-00-012-3672 Electronic Control Amplifier

material will be in accordance with navicp mech activity hx quality control manufacturing and testing specifications

Chart Table Top NSN 2090-00-016-7669

chart table top nsn 2090000167669. other reference numbers are 805-921996pc22 and 805-921996revggp3-4-7-8

4470-00-012-3671 Rod Position Module

material will be in accordance with navicp mech activity hx quality control manufacturing and testing specifications.

NSN 5120-00-016-7647 Terminal Crim Contact Positioner

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000167647. the tool type for which designed is hand