Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

5360-00-010-8068 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000108068. inside diameter 1.762 inches.

NSN 2010-00-010-8067 Air Seal Diaphragm

general characteristics item description: dacron fabric with bunan4 holes 0.312 inches. diameter8 holes 0.438

NSN 5330-00-010-8065 Piston Packing

nsn 5330000108065. piston packing

5330-00-010-8062 Piston Seal

nsn 5330000108062. piston seal

5330-00-010-8061 Piston Packing

piston packing nsn 5330000108061.

5330-00-010-8052 Rod Packing

rod packing nsn 5330000108052.

NSN 5330-00-010-8049 Head Seal

cage codes 11132 12190. head seal. part number 590133 d2-382pc8 d4211pc10 and d4216pc8.

NSN 4921-00-010-8020 Lapping Plat Handle

nsn 4921000108020 lapping plat handle

4921-00-010-8018 Retreiving Cage Ass

retreiving cage ass nsn 4921000108018. end item identification torpedo mk46.

NSN 5340-00-010-8016 Ball Socket Seat

ball socket seat nsn 5340000108016.

6140-00-010-8014 Storage Battery

storage battery nsn 6140000108014. 0.970 inches

NSN 4930-00-010-8013 Relief Vent Unit

relief vent unit nsn 4930000108013.

NSN 5110-00-010-8012 Knife Blade

knife blade nsn 5110000108012.

NSN 6685-00-010-8010 Flow Control Thermostat

flow control thermostat nsn 6685000108010.

NSN 6680-00-010-8007 Fluid Flow Indicating Meter

fluid flow indicating meter nsn 6680000108007.

5910-00-010-8184 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108184. terminal diameter 0.025 inches

9340-00-010-7944 Glass Tubing

glass tubing nsn 9340000107944. environmental protection any acceptable.

5910-00-010-7921 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000107921. schematic diagram designator electrode(s) grounded to case w/gnd terminal.

5310-00-012-5629 Hexagon Plain Nut

hexagon nsn 5310000125629.

5120-00-010-7919 Cross Tip Screwdriver

cross tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107919. blade length 6.0 inches.

5120-00-010-7916 Flat Tip Screwdriver

flat tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107916. overall length 13.500 inches.

5120-00-010-7915 Flat Tip Screwdriver

flat tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107915. end thickness 0.040 inches.

NSN 1560-00-012-5626 Aircraft

aircraft spar nsn 1560000125626.

5120-00-010-7914 Flat Tip Screwdriver

flat tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107914. overall length 11.625 inches.

5120-00-010-7913 Flat Tip Screwdriver

flat tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107913. end thickness 0.022 inches.

6210-00-010-7910 Indicator Light

indicator light nsn 6210000107910. overall length 3.124 inches.

5305-00-012-5622 Drive Screw

drive nsn 5305000125622.

6210-00-010-7896 Indicator Light

indicator light nsn 6210000107896. overall length 1.313 inches.

5360-00-010-7888 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000107888. inside diameter 0.950 inches minimum and 1.000 inches maximum.

3040-00-010-7884 Spur Gearshaft

spur gearshaft nsn 3040000107884. teeth quantity 12.