Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 2840-00-012-7065 Aircraft Gas Turbin Turbine Disk

turbin turbine disk nsn 2840000127065.

NSN 5962-00-010-8746 Digital Microcircuit microcircuit

2840-00-012-7060 Aircraft Gas Turbin Turbine

aircraft gas turbin turbine disk nsn 2840000127060.

NSN 5315-00-010-8635 Cotter Pin

cotter pin 5315000108635. any point type is acceptable for the cotter pin. the cotter pin is made of steel.

NSN 5315-00-010-8627 Woodruff Key

woodruff key nsn 5315000108627. key size designation: woodruff 25

2840-00-012-7055 Aircraft Turbine Rotor Spacer

aircraft spacer nsn 2840000127055.

NSN 5315-00-010-8626 Woodruff Key

woodruff key nsn 5315000108626. starting edge shape: straight

NSN 5970-00-010-8612 Bushing Insulator

bushing insulator nsn 5970000108612. overall height: 0.66 inches

NSN 5306-00-010-8608 Internal Wrenching Bolt

internal wrenching bolt nsn 5306000108608. internal drive style: hexagon

NSN 5910-00-010-8498 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108498. terminal diameter: 0.025 inches

NSN 5330-00-010-8492 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000108492. special features: style designator: no. 60 irregular shape from fiig a03200

NSN 5330-00-010-8487 Preformed Packing

preformed packing nsn 5330000108487. special features: cross-sectional shape style: 116 irregular shape from old fiig a03200

NSN 5330-00-010-9061 Spiral Wound Gasket

5330000109061. spiral wound gasket bolt hole quantity is 10. the spiral wound gasket material is copper alloy.

2840-00-012-7045 Aircraft Ga Turbine

disk and hub nsn 2840000127045.

NSN 5360-00-010-8426 Extension Helical Spring

extension helical spring nsn 5360000108426. hook radius: 0.188 inches both ends

NSN 5325-00-010-8425 Retaining Ring

retaining ring nsn 5325000108425. outside diameter: 2.27 inches

NSN 5365-00-010-8423 Nonmetallic Bushing

nonmetallic bushing nsn 5365000108423. design type: single centrally located hole

NSN 5310-00-010-8417 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000108417. thickness: 0.094 inches ⁓3/32 inches

NSN 5310-00-010-8415 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108415. cage codes: 03533 72962 and 019l2

NSN 5310-00-010-8414 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108414. thread quantity per inch: 14

NSN 5310-00-010-8413 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108413. thread class: 3b

2840-00-012-7040 Aircraft Ga Turbine Rotor Spacer

aircraft ga turbine rotor spacer nsn 2840000127040.

NSN 5310-00-010-8412 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108412. cage codes: 03533 72962 10001 and 53711

NSN 5310-00-010-8411 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108411. thread series: unf

NSN 3110-00-010-8407 Airframe Ball Bearing

airframe ball bearing nsn 3110000108407. shield quantity: 2

2840-00-012-7025 Aircraft Reduction Gear

housing nsn 2840000127025.

NSN 5365-00-010-8403 Sleeve Spacer

sleeve spacer nsn 5365000108403. corner shape: square all corners

NSN 5305-00-010-8402 Thumbscrew

thumbscrew nsn 5305000108402. width between flats: between 1.98 inches and 2.02 inches

NSN 5310-00-010-8401 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000108401. thickness: between 0.11 inches and 0.115 inches ⁓1/8 inches

5306-00-012-6759 Square Neck

square nsn 5306000126759.