National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.
5305000123320. hexagon head cap screw has a tensile strength of 69000 pounds per square inch.
metallic bent tube nsn 4710000104038. wall thickness 0.035 inches
searchlight control nsn 6230000104017. usage design indoor or outdoor
torsion helical spring nsn 5360000103976. end style short hook end
fluid filter head nsn 1650000103975. hole diameter between 0.26in. and 0.275in. ⁓9/32
5910000123306. paper dielectric fixed capacitor cage code: 73138 and 53110
preformed hose nsn 4720000103974. inside diameter between 0.21 inches and 0.23 inches
woodruff key nsn 5315000103906. circle diameter between 0.74 inches and 0.75 inches
5310000123302. hexagon plain nut has a hexagon nut style and a nut height of between 0.117 inches and 0.13 inches.
5905000123301. thermal resistor has the power dissipation rating of 500.0 milliwatts.
2840000123283. inlet guide vane has the end item identification: engine t-53.
2840000123277. tachometer mount shipping cover is made of plastic.
2840000123276. propeller shaft shipping cover cage code: 00198
5310000123274. hexagon plain nut has a hexagon nut style and a nut height of between 0.427 inches and 0.448 inches.
4820000123273. stop-check valve has a horizontal or vertical mounting position.