Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

2995-00-010-5328 Mount Head Assembly

mount head assembly nsn 2995000105328. end item identification aircraft model a-4f

5342-00-010-5317 Grooved Clamp Coupling

grooved clamp coupling nsn 5342000105317. sectional shape style cross grooved retainer

1660-00-010-5316 Valve Body

valve body nsn 1660000105316. special features metal

5985-00-010-5310 Waveguide Assembly

waveguide assembly nsn 5985000105310. fsc application data antenna-receiver-transmitter group missile tracking

1730-00-010-5309 Aircraft Jacking Point Adapter

aircraft jacking point adapter nsn 1730000105309. overall length 60.5in. ⁓60-1/2

5950-00-010-5305 Power Transformer

power transformer nsn 5950000105305. center to center distance between mounting facilities parallel to length 2.063 inches single mounting facility single center group

6135-00-010-5275 Nonrechargeable Battery

nonrechargeable battery nsn 6135000105275. terminal quantity 1

4240-00-010-5267 Gas-particulate Filter Unit

gas-particulate filter unit nsn 4240000105267. current type ac or dc

5805-00-010-5264 Supergroup Control

supergroup control nsn 5805000105264. end item identification high cap transmission

1660-00-010-5247 Liquid Oxygen Converter Tank

liquid oxygen converter tank nsn 1660000105247. general characteristics item description major items-p/n f7405111-3 shell p/n f7405150-1 bottle p/n f7405151-1 shell p/n f7405170-1 handle used on p/n 21170-2 converter

1660-00-010-5252 Converter Parts Kit

converter parts kit nsn 1660000105252. general characteristics item description consists of 36 miscellaneous parts for overhaul of p/n 21170-2 converter

4730-00-010-5248 Pipe To Tube Elbow

pipe to tube elbow nsn 4730000105248. thread class 3a 1st end

1560-00-012-7860 Fa Mounting Plate

17.8 in. o/a lg 8.4 in. o/a w

NSN 5310-00-012-7855 Plain Nut

nut height 0.453in. ⁓29/64 steel material

NSN 5905-00-012-7854 Wound Fixed Resistor

electrical resistance 100 ohms terminal length 0.5 inches

NSN 5305-00-012-7847 Screw

fastener length 0.25in. ⁓1/4 steel material

Switch NSN 5930000195310

electro switch corp. switch. nsn 5930000195310.

1560-00-012-7717 Roller Conveyor Lock Assembly

5.4 in. lg 0.191 in. min 0.196 in. max diameter hole through 4 places

4820-00-014-6167 Fluid Pressure Regulating Valve

fluid pressure regulating valve nsn 4820000146167. the body material is brass.

NSN 1560-00-012-7704 Access Cover

length 6.12 inches glass fiber material

1560-00-012-7701 Trim Cover Assembly

fiber glass lac 22-2204 fscm 98897 54.22 in. lg

1560-00-012-7683 Firewall Seal

0.047 in.thk 2.6 in.o/a w 4.55 in.o/a lg

1560-00-014-6137 Aircraft Structural Panel

aircraft structural panel nsn 1560000146137. the material is aluminum alloy

NSN 5305-00-012-7651 Screw

thread length between 0.75in. ⁓3/4 width between flats between 0.35 inches and 0.312 inches

5342-00-014-6135 Control Mounting Bracket

control mounting bracket nsn 5342000146135. the general characteristics item description is steelams53550.322 in. min0.329 in. dia hole thru base 4 places.

NSN 3120-00-012-7645 Sleeve Bushing

length between 0.55in. and 0.555in. ⁓9/16 steel material

1560-00-014-6126 Floorboard Track

floorboard track nsn 1560000146126. the general characteristics item description is 28.60 in. lg2.30 in. w0.50 in. h