National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.
5315000121225. cotter pin has a diameter of between 0.22 inches and 0.27 inches.
aircraft structural plate nsn 1560000199585. the overall length is 44.6in. ⁓44-39/64. the overall width is 34 inches. the end item identification is b-52 bomber airplane.
intermediate frequency amplifier nsn 5996000160445. the overall length is 10.47in. ⁓10-31/64
plate plain nut nsn 5310000143780. the thread direction is right-hand
hazardous material classification code 1.4 department of defense hazard class division and s storage compatibility group
arbitrary scale meter nsn 6625000095504. overall length 2.670 inches
diameter 1.218 graduation unit 1000 pounds per square inch