This class includes only textiles in bulk
Includes buttons; dressmakers' pins; needles; shoulder pads; embroideries; stamped art goods for embroidery and art needlework; hair nets; sewing kits
Includes feathers and downs, processed; spanish moss, processed; cotton wadding and batting; kapok
This class includes only fur materials in bulk
Includes garment leather; patent leather; glove leather; shoe leather; upholstery leather; industrial leather
Includes counters; taps; shoe laces; lasts and last sole patterns; ornamental shoe buckles and bows
Fitted covers which are specifically designed for use on or with specific individual types of equipment are excluded from this class and are to be classified in the same classes as the items for which they are designed, or in such other classes as are appropriate
Includes signalling flags; flagstaffs; signal shapes; flagpoles; flagstaff trucks; speed cones; flagstaff belts; semaphore flags
NSN 5962-01-033-2282
NSN 4710-01-557-5822
NSN 6930-01-595-9631
NSN 9905-01-457-8345
NSN 8030-00-086-1506
NSN 5930-00-230-2582
NSN 5998-01-028-2131
NSN 5305-01-189-3781
NSN 4310-00-885-9840
NSN 5306-00-126-5150
NSN 5330-01-040-5128
NSN 5962-01-399-8658
NSN 2620-00-288-0247
NSN 4820-01-420-1889
NSN 5945-00-455-7337
NSN 3120-01-422-1734
NSN 5915-01-233-3157
NSN 5340-01-280-7978
NSN 3020-00-517-5075
NSN 5910-00-950-3837
NSN 5935-00-021-8305
NSN 4730-00-279-0066
NSN 5905-01-239-6313
NSN 5810-00-565-8090