Household And Commercial Furnishings And Appliances FSG 72

7210 Household Furnishings »

Includes household furnishings of textiles, plastics, paper, rubber, and other materials; sheets, pillows, blankets, and other bedding; insect bars; tablecloths; towels; steamer rugs; mattresses; bedsprings, box style (fabric covered); bedspring and mattress sets

7220 Floor Coverings »

Includes linoleum; rubber and asphalt tile; carpets; rugs; rug pads

7230 Awnings And Shades Draperies »

Includes curtains; specialized hardware and fittings for curtains, draperies, venetian blinds, and window shades

7240 Household And Commercial Utility Containers »

Includes refuse cans; sprinkling cans; clothes hampers; household basket; fabric utility containers

7290 Miscellaneous Household And Commercial Furnishings And Appliances »

Includes fireplace sets; vases and urns; household sewing machines