An analog is a representation in one form of a physical condition existing in another form (e
Digital refers to the representation of discrete numbers, symbols and alphabetic characters by a predetermined, coded combination of electrical impulses
Hybrid refers to a combination of analog and digital capability as defined in classes 7020 and 7021 with conversion capability required for intercommunication
This class includes devices used to control and transfer information to and from a computer (as modified)
Software is a series of instructions or statements in a form acceptable to a cpu, designed to cause the information technology equipment or automated data processing equipment configuration to execute an operation or operations; or a collection of data in a form capable of being processed and operated on by a computer
This class includes various devices and associated control units which are designed for use in combination or conjunction with an information technnology (it) equipment or automated data processing (adp) equipment configuraprocessing (adp) equipment configuration but are not part of the configuratition itself
Includes collating machines, key punch machines, tabulating machines; verifiers; reproducers; summary punches, sorters; interpreters
Includes mini or micro computers used as control mechanisms where computer technology is essential in controlling, monitoring, measuring, and directing processes, devices, instruments or other equipment
This class includes information technology (it) or automated data proceprocessing (adp) tape seal bands, reels and hubs, carrying cases, canisters, and the like
This class includes information technology or automated data processingcomponent assemblies that are parts of analog, digital or hybrid data processing devices
NSN 6210-01-158-7041
NSN 5905-00-262-5597
NSN 4710-01-303-6366
NSN 5310-00-274-8574
NSN 4730-01-231-9718
NSN 5940-00-192-9934
NSN 5310-01-508-1838
NSN 5962-01-134-7684
NSN 5350-00-935-7700
NSN 1560-01-051-3604
NSN 4720-00-086-2440
NSN 5950-00-156-6984
NSN 5995-00-571-9396
NSN 5935-00-194-7809
NSN 6150-01-304-6645
NSN 3010-00-856-3890
NSN 5998-01-507-6800
NSN 5306-01-598-0798
NSN 2040-01-068-3514
NSN 4320-01-455-9143
NSN 3815-01-555-8110
NSN 5315-01-565-2730
NSN 7643-01-632-9759
NSN 5970-01-318-1766