Dent Ultrasonic Prophylaxis Unit
Ultrasonic prophylaxis unit dental model: 2001
Dental Laboratory Electr Furnace
Furnace, dental laboratory model:accu-therm ii 850
Dental Laboratory Electr Furnace
Furance, dental laboratory model commodore 100
Dental Equ Compressor-dehydrator
1288.0mm overall length
Dental Equ Compressor-dehydrator
620.0mm overall length
Amalgam Dental Plugger
Pulp Canal Dental File Set
File hedstrom 60mm 15-40 6s veterinary hedstrom files, assorted 60mm, 15-40, 6 per package
Mouth Examining Mirror
Mirror mouth exam front reflective size 5 smooth finish for patient comfort; rhodium coated lens for sharp distortion-free reflections; cone socket
Root Canal Dental Sealer
Sealer root canal obturation cement ah plus radiopaque radiopaque root canal sealer; easy to detect; lubricates
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal dental size 15 30 mm (6) per box used to give the operator a smooth tactile sense inside the canal during instrumentation
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal dental size 10 30 mm 6 per box used to give the operator a smooth tactile sense inside the canal during instrumentation
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal dental size 20 30 mm 6 per box used to give the operator a smooth tactile sense inside the canal during instrumentation
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal dental size 25 30 mm 6 per box used to give the operator a smooth tactile sense inside the canal during instrumentation
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal dental size 6 30 mm 6 per box used to give the operator a smooth tactile sense inside the canal during instrumentation
Dental Surface Pro Plastic Strip
Clear mouthguard material elthyl vinyl acetate material used for fabrication of thick mouthguards
Dental Temporary Crown
Crown dental permanent molar stainless steel 96s stainless steel replacement crowns for permanent molars, upper left
Pulp Canal Dental File Set
File hedstrom 60mm 90-110 6s veterinary hedstrom files, assorted, 90-110, 6 per pkg
Pulp Canal Dental File
File pulp canal k-files maxima flexible 6/bx for dental endodontic therapy; size 15, 25mm length; k-files; 6/box
Periodontal Probe
Probe explorer double ended standard no. 23 explorer probe, periodontal; double end; standard handle; 23/cp-11.5b who
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental surgical carbide 702 friction grip 10s dental bur; carbide; surgical; friction grip, number 702; high speed
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental diamond super coarse friction grip 023 801 5s dental bur; round; maxima diamond, number 801; supercoarse; size 023; friction grip; 5/pkg
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental surgical cylinder 012 863kr med. fg 5s dental bur; cylinder shaped diamond; fr.grip, number 863kr; size: 012
Pulp Canal Dental File
K-files maxima flexible sz 10 25mm 6s color coded handle, integral handle lock to limit penetration, pre-inserted silicone stops
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental carbide fg 1/4 rd 10s
Dental Chisel
Used on 2m kit portable. no. F23/23r de periodontal chisel hoes; carbon; black's formula 6.5-2.5-9; for end item 2m kit portable.
Oral Cavity Dental Evacuator
Oral Cavity Dental Evacuator
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental diamond 379 football 018 course 3.5mm lgth 5s football shaped diamond bur for friction grip handpiece; no. 379 cousre; size 018; length: 3.5mm; 5/pkg
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental diamond 855 round end taper course 012 lgth 6mm 5s round end taper diamond bur for friction grip handpiece; no. 855 cousre; size 012; length: 6.0mm; 5/pkg
Dental Surgery Bur
Bur dental diamond 862 flame shaped fine 012 8mm lgth 5s flamed shaped diamond for friction grip handpiece; no. 862 fine; 012; 8mm length; 5/pkg
Glass Ionomer Resto Shade Powder
Shade powder glass ionomer restorative 25 assorted dark shades per pkg premeasured, unit dose capsules; fuji ii lc assorted dark shade capsules; contains: 5 capsules (0.336g powder/0.085ml liquid) each: (5) A3, (5) A4, (5) B3, (5) B4,
Glass Ionomer Resto Shade Powder
Shade powder glass ionomer restorative 25 assorted light shades per pkg premeasured, unit dose capsules; fuji ii lc assorted light shade capsules; contains: 5 capsules (0.33g powder/0.085ml liquid) each: (5) A1, (5) A2, (5) A3, (5) B2,
Curing Light Dental Restora Bulb
Used on optilux 501 curing light. optibulb 80 watt 80 watt replacement bulb for optilux 501 curing light
Medicament Dental Dish
Dish dappen medicament plasic asst colors 1000s dappen medicament dishes for dental use; plastic; assorted colors; 1000 per pkg
Dental Syringe Kit
Atrisorb bioabsorbable guided tissue regeneration (gtr) barrier for direct application packaged in multi-pack box that includes 1 package insert with directions/warnings
Dental Arch Wire
0.022" overall width orthonol superelastic nickel-titanium performed rectangular maxilliary arched dental wire; 3 permanent midline etchmarks; pkg of 10
Dental Arch Wire
Orthonol supereleastic nickel-titanium preformed round arched dental wire; 3 permanent midline etchmarks for maxilliary; continuous gentle force; pkg of 10 nickel surface treated
Dental Arch Wire
Orthonol supereleastic nickel-titanium preformed round arched dental wire; 3 permanent midline etchmarks for maxilliary; continuous gentle force; pkg of 10 nickel surface treated
Dental Arch Wire
Orthonol supereleastic nickel-titanium preformed round arched dental wire; 3 permanent midline etchmarks for maxilliary; continuous gentle force; pkg of 10 nickel surface treated
Dental Arch Wire
Orthonol supereleastic nickel-titanium preformed round mandibular arched dental wire; 1 permanent midline etchmark; pkg of 10; continuous gentle force nickel surface treated
Dental Arch Wire
Orthonol supereleastic nickel-titanium preformed round mandibular arched dental wire; 1 permanent midline etchmark; pkg of 10; continuous gentle force nickel surface treated
Ligature Dental Band
0.010" outside diameter tru chrome stainless steel dead soft ligature wire; 1 lb spool
Mouth Examining Mirror Set
Mirror with light portable; battery operated mirror with light; serrated handle; number 4 size disposable mirror head; provides greater visibility; lightweight; ergonomic
Gutta-percha Dental Spreader
Spreader single end f/endodontic therapy d-11t single ended; silicone handle; nickel titanium spreader; used for root canal treatment; style d-11t
Gutta-percha Dental Spreader
Spreader single end f/endodontic therapy style MA57 single ended; used for root canal treatment in placing gutta percha in the canals; style MA57
Pulp Canal Plugger
Plugger double ended endodontic therapy size 9/11 double ended; multipurpose; used in endodontic root canal treatment; size: 9/11
Pulp Canal Plugger
Plugger double ended endodontic therapy size 5/7 double ended; multipurpose; used in endodontic root canal treatment; size: 5/7
Rubber Dam Dental Clamp
Clamp rubber dam anterior wingless 212 wingless rubber dam clamp; for anterior tooth; stainless steel with satin finish; item is used to hold rubber dam around tooth for protection during root canal therapy
Dental Restorative Kit
Restorative kt unidose system f/dental use ahybride composite restorative kit; contains: 10 unidose tips (0.2 gram e a. shades of A2, A3, A3.5, XL2
Dental Impression Tray
Impression tray x-lg metal upper metal impression tray; size: no.X1, extra-large; for upper; perforated; not hydrocolloid; regular