Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; effectivity involved. wiring harness-power emergency generator/upper
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; effectivity involved.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on 5820014410573.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft; effectivity involved.
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft; effectivity involved.
Power Electrical Cable Assembly
Used on preprovisioning support navicp is poe.
Electrical Lead
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on an/slq-48 fc23, vehicle bottle test set.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on m113 pers carrier.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16c/d blk 50/52 acft; effectivity involved. wiring harness-vertical fin disconnect to anti-collision lt
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Electrical Lead
Used on sentinel, other missile related materiel.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on sentinel, other missile related materiel.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on sentinel, other missile related materiel.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on carrier pers m-113a1.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on carrier pers m-113m1. marker diff from -2
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on missile work station.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on missile work station.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on 2350-01-203-0188.
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on 2350-01-068-4089.
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on aircraft, airlifter c-17a.
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft; next assembly p/n 16f2261; effectivity type/version 6/e 1-37, 6/g 1-16, 6/j 13-24, 6/l 1-14. wiring harness-fwd intph amplifier filter panel wire specs: M22759/22-26-0, C4932-22L2, M22759/11-22-5
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f16a acft. wiring harness, elec, epu control, sta 243 to emer gen cont unit c/o 8 addl branches w/1 plug connector, 7 connectors; addl plugs, termials as reqd; nha p/n 16D43730M1; tail effect 6j, 13-17a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; next assembly p/n 16d1725m1; effectivty type/version 6/k 1-28. wiring harness-stores mamagement, station 158 to station 243 (n) contains 51 additional connecters, 51 wafer, 7 adapter, 7 clamp, 39 bus, 5 spacer, 4 splice, 19 shield terminal M83519/2-8, sleeve, tape, sleeving, contact, , terminal, plug, as required; wire specs:C4928-22, C4929-12, C4929-18, C4931-22L1, C4928-26, C4931-26L1, C4930-26-1p-1, C4931-26L2
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f16b acft. wiring harness, pwr feeder fwd ac pwr pnl to converter c/o addl plugs, terminals as reqd; nha p/n 16D51825M1; tail effect 6j, 1-3-24a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on F16A/B. wiring harness, radar warn, detector to crew compartment disc addl plugs, terminals as reqd; nha p/n 16D1720M1; t/e 6d, 1-46a, 6f, 1-30a, 6k, 1-28a; nha p/n 16D1820M1; t/e 6e, 1-13a, 6g, 1-8a, 6l, 1-7a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f16b acft. wiring harness, landing gear matrix assy, no.1 c/o 9 addl branches w/9 connectors; addl plugs, terminals as reqd; nha p/n 16E1396; t/e 6e, 14-32a, 6g, 9-16a, 6l, 8-14a
Wiring Harness
Used on f16b acft. wiring harness, intph amplifier filter pnl nha p/n 16F2261; t/e 6e, 1-37a, 6g, 1-16a, 6j, 13-24a, 6l, 1-14a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft; next assembly p/n 16f2261; effectivity type/version 6/e 1-13, 6/g 1-8. wiring harness-fwd station intph amplifier to communication matrix contains 1 wafer, 4 keeper p/n C310-3, 1 bus, 1 jack p/n u-92a/u, 2 splice, tape, tubing, sleeving, as required; wire specs: C4928-26, C4928-22, C4931-22L2, C10575-1
Wiring Harness
Used on f16a acft. wiring harness, sta 243 to landing gear matrix no. 2 nha p/n 16D1730M1; tail effect 6d, 1-46a, 6f, 1-30a, 6k, 1-28a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; next assembly p/n 16d1720m1; effectivity type/version 6/f 16-30, 6/k 14-27. wiring harness-power, fwd ac power panel to crew compartment disconnect contains 3 wafer, 5 splice kit, 9 clamp, 4 adapter, 2 socket, contact, sleeving, terminal, plug, as required; 1 splice,
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f16b acft. wiring harness, stores management system, l console c/o 8 addl branches w/1 recep connector, 2 plug connectors, 5 connectors; addl plugs, terminals as reqd; nha p/n 16D46405; t/e 6j, 13-24a
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f16a acft. wiring harness, flt cont d, sta 92 to flt cont matrix assy c/o 5 addl branches w/1 plug connector, 4 connectors; addl plugs, terminals as reqd; nha p/n 16D1720M1; t/e 6d, 1-26d
Special Purpose E Cable Assembly
Used on minuteman iii missile. cable assy, elec, branched, W5e
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; next assembly p/n 16d1725m1; effectivity type/version 6/d 27-46. wiring harness-fuel, external, lt, le flap/speed break-station 158 to 243 contains 8 additional connecters, 13 wafer, 4 clamp, 5 adapter, 3 bus, 6 ferrule, 1 splice, tape, insulated sleeving, contact, terminal, plug, sleeve, sleeving, as required; wire specs: C4928-22, C4931-22L1, C4932-26L3, C4932-18N4, C4931-26L2
Wiring Harness
Used on f16b acft. wiring harness
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft. wiring harness-radar avionics interface contains 15 additional connecters, 17 wafer, 1 backshell, 17 bus, 4 clamp, 8 shield terminal M83519/2-8, 1 adapter, 3 splice, sleeve, sleeving, tape, contact, terminal, plug as required; wire specs:C4928-22, C4928-20, C4929-18, C4930-26-1p-1, C4932-26L2, C4931-22L2, C8898-1, C2099-1, C8811-1
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16b acft; next assembly p/n 16d1730m1; effectivity type/version 6/l 3-5. wiring harness-fuel, external lt, le flap/speed break-station 243 to wing disconnect
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; next assembly p/n 16d1725m1; effectivity type/version 6/d 1-46. wiring harness-stores management, station 158 to station 243 (n) contains 51 additional connecters, 50 wafer, 41 bus, 7 clamp, 7 adapter, 5 spacer, 4 splice, 19 shield terminal M83519/2-8, tape, sleeve, sleeving, terminal, contact, plug, screw, washer, as required; wire specs:C4929-18, C4931-22L1, C4929-12, C4931-26L1, C4928-22, C4930-26-1p-1, C4931-26L2, C4928-26
Branched Wiring Harness
Used on f-16a acft; next assembly p/n 16d1725m1; effectivity type/version 6/f 1-30. wiring harness-stores management, station 158 to station 243 (n) contains 50 additional connecters, 51 wafer, 7 adapter, 7 clamp, 32 bus, 5 spacer, 4 splice, tape, sleeve, sleeving, contact, terminal, plug, as required; wire specs:C492-12, C4928-18, C4929-22, C4931-22L1, C4931-26L1, C4930-26-1p-1, C4931-26L2, C4932-20L3, C4928-26