Includes fire extinguishers; fire axes; fire rakes; fire beaters; fire trucks; fire hose; play pipes; hose fittings having one or more fire hose end connections; fire hose reels; fire fighting trailers; fire hydrants; sprinkler heads
Includes diving and salvage apparatus, including pressurized divers' suits; rescue nets, buoyant; inflatable life vests; life rafts
Excludes production type equipment designed for impregnation of metal castings and electronic components, processing of leather and textiles, and for similar industrial processing operations
Includes secondary spill containment sumps; liquid spill containment pallets; spill containment basins; spill containment systems; absorbent, sorbent and blotting materials
Includes portable fire escapes; safety nets, nonbuoyant
Includes material and machinery designed to remove, neutralize and/or prepare for possible re-use of substances otherwise considered to be un-reclaimable
NSN 4210-00-775-0127
NSN 6635-01-445-6178
NSN 5340-01-371-9927
NSN 3110-00-100-0600
NSN 6685-00-993-5548
NSN 5305-01-280-7669
NSN 5320-01-477-4978
NSN 4710-01-449-2434
NSN 3040-01-087-5168
NSN 5930-00-709-1067
NSN 2990-00-051-6250
NSN 3030-01-068-8850
NSN 5998-01-406-4489
NSN 8415-01-623-2568
NSN 4730-01-100-5876
NSN 5962-00-185-6630
NSN 4920-00-424-5937
NSN 2940-01-313-4600
NSN 5950-01-031-4643
NSN 1680-00-139-7982
NSN 5935-00-570-6119
NSN 5935-00-246-4448
NSN 2040-01-455-1669
NSN 5965-00-905-6894