Includes industrial food products equipment
Includes offset presses; typesetting machinery; bookbinding machinery; photoengraving machinery; printing type; rules; leads; slugs; line gages; quoins; plate hooks; gelatine process machines; spirit process machines; stencil process machines; offset process machines; photostat machines; blueprint printing and developing machines; print shop furniture
Marking machines which make permanent indentations in metal are classified in group 34
Includes chippers; digestors; beaters; bleaching equipment; paperboard manufacturing machinery
Includes plasticators; presses; synthetic rubber working machinery; thread extruding machinery; vulcanizing machinery
Includes cotton ginning machinery; looms; button covering machines; rope laying machines; lace machines
Includes brickmaking machinery
Includes optical goods manufacturing machinery
Includes crushers and mills for chemical materials; pharmaceutical briquetting and tabletting presses; chemical explosive manufacturing machinery
Included in this class are gaseous dispensing systems, both mobile and installed
This class includes general use machinery related to two or more manufacturing industries
This class includes, and is restricted to, equipment specifically designed for manufacturing semiconductor devices (fsc 5961), microcircuits (fsc 5962), and printed circuit boards (fsc 5998)
Includes molding machines; tumbling mills, foundry dextrine; core paste
This class includes only those machines specifically designed for manufacturing metal containers
Includes ammunition and explosive loading (filling and assembling) specialized machinery; small arms ammunition manufacturing machinery; artillery and anti-aircraft shell manufacturing machinery
This class includes equipment specifically designed to assemble prefabricated components without further design machining of the components
Includes laminar and nonlaminar flow enclosures; dust controlled facilities; air showers
Includes communication wire dispenser fabricating machinery; specialized logging equipment; petroleum refinery machinery; shoemaking machinery; production type impregnating equipment
NSN 5962-00-499-3156
NSN 5320-01-415-1375
NSN 5905-01-464-4447
NSN 5640-01-254-5756
NSN 6110-01-239-9167
NSN 5305-01-627-4526
NSN 5340-01-043-5094
NSN 5935-00-067-0027
NSN 1355-00-573-8819
NSN 5180-01-165-7170
NSN 2920-01-386-1693
NSN 5999-01-564-1583
NSN 3110-00-004-5095
NSN 4320-01-461-6345
NSN 5920-01-149-6952
NSN 5306-00-272-2143
NSN 5930-00-615-7897
NSN 5305-01-540-4939
NSN 5307-00-358-3634
NSN 7125-01-099-2248
NSN 4710-01-334-1718
NSN 5330-01-484-6865
NSN 7643-01-601-8274
NSN 5310-01-391-6192