Flexible Coupling Insert
4 bolt hole quantity laminated construction feature-not incl.; matl-steel n, 47-s-27, type a; max od 4.000 in. multiple holes, round bore
Flexible Coupling Insert
4 bolt hole quantity laminated construction feature-not incl.; bore dia 1.115/1.135 in.; max od 3.510 in. multiple holes, round bore
Shaft Rigid Coupling
Plain flange
Shaft Flexible Coupling
4.375" overall length 4.000" outside diameter
Shaft Flexible Coupling
3.187" overall length 3.250" outside diameter
Shaft Rigid Coupling
3.090" overall length plain sleeve
Shaft Rigid Coupling
0.081" hole diameter 0.743" overall length 0.1005" second end bore diameter plain sleeve
Shaft Flexible Coupling
0.272" both ends hole diameter 4.281" overall length 4.594" outside diameter
Shaft Flexible Coupling
3.8125" overall length 5.700" outside diameter
Shaft Flexible Coupling
10.000" overall length 11.875" outside diameter
Shaft Flexible Coupling
2.394" overall length 3.000" outside diameter rigid hub (smaller bore) of coupling made of laminated phenolic material, type fbi of spec mil-p-15035
Shaft Flexible Coupling
2.394" overall length 3.000" outside diameter rigid hub (larger bore) of coupling made of laminated phenolic material, type fbi of spec mil-p-15035
Shaft Flexible Coupling
2.390" overall length 3.125" outside diameter
Shaft Coupling Half
0.672" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter 0.250 to 0.260" dia. x 77 to 87 deg. countersunk on securing holes; unthreaded bore dia.:0.323" mon., 0.328" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.245" min., 2.255" max.; positioning facility qty:2; hole thread size designator:1/4-20 nc-2; positioning hole style:plain; threaded hole location: (1) hole located on top of keyway, (1) hole 180 deg. from keyway 0.340 to 0.348" from face end; threaded hole qty:2; securing method:threaded hole; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility qty:1; o/a outside dimension:2.984" min., 3.016" max. ; hub od:1.490" min., 1.510" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance from center of bore to bottom of keyway:0.465" nom.; keyway wd:0.1880" min., 0.1890" max.; flange thickness:0.245" min., 0.250" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.740" overall length unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" min., 0.3754" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.098" min., 2.102" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:2.850" nom.; spline lg.:0.650" nom.; hub od:1.240" min., 1.260" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.540" min., 0.560" max.; spline minor dia.:0.530" min., 0.531" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.460" overall length 0.1248" bore diameter 0.250" dia. by 0.062" lg. step on hub end; surface treatment:anodized; bore thread size designator:no. 4-40 nc; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:1.248" min., 1.252" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:tapped; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:1.562" nom.; hub od:1/2" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.187" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.340" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter 2) 9/32" dia. holes on 2.50 " porm .010" dia. bolt circle equally spaced 45 deg. from keys; distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:0.875" nom.; body keying facility depth/ht:0.280" min., 0.290" max.; body keying facility wd:0.4990" min., 0.4995" max.; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral key; keying facility qty:2; keying facility spacing in deg.:180; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:3.250" nom.; hub od:1.100" min., 1.150" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance from center of bore to bottom of keyway:0.269" nom.; keyway wd:0.188" nom.; flange thickness:0.590" nom.
Shaft Rigid Coupling
Shaft Coupling Half
0.9587" overall length 1.490" outside diameter 0.4988" bore diameter keyway to be located w/centerline of jaws within 0.010" measured at 1" radius, 5/32" by 45 deg. chamfer on hub end of flange; distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:1/2" nom.; distance from center of bore to bottom of keyway:0.3230" nom.; body keying facility dep/ht:0.1775" min., 0.1975" max.; body keying facility wd:0.6873" min., 0.6875" max.; keying facility qty:1; counterbore location:coupling end; hub od:0.740" min., 0.760" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; keyway wd:0.1245" min., 0.1250" max.; flange thickness:0.490" min., 0.510" max.; counterbore dep.:0.156" nom.; counterbore dia.:0.990" min., 1.010" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.040" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter 0.10" by 45 deg. chamfer on od of hub end of flange, integral
Shaft Coupling Half
1.250" overall length unthreaded bore dia.:0.375" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.250" nom.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:3" nom.; spline lg.:1.150" nom.; hub od:1.300" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.450" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.638" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.750" overall length 3/4" dia. spot face hub end of positioning holes, 0.100" porm 0.010 by 45 deg. chamfer end of hub, 0.050" porm 0.010; material:steel carbon; unthreaded bore dia.:0.406" nom.; raised faced thickness:0.250" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.250" nom.; positioning facility qty:4; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:included; keying facility:not included; counterbore location:coupling end; o/a outside dimension:3.125" nom.; spline lg:1" nom.; hub od:1.350" nom.; raised face dia.:1.249" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.500" nom.; counterbore depth:1/2" nom.; counterbore dia.:0.800" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.744" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.740" overall length 1.932" outside diameter distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:0.625" nom.; body keying facility dep/ht:0.198" min., 0.202" max.; body keying facility wd:0.250" min., 0.253" max.; keying facility
Shaft Coupling Half
0.740" overall length 0.6250" bore diameter distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:0.625" nom.; body keying facility depth/ht:0.198" min., 0.202" max.; body keying facility wd:0.250" nom.; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral key; keying facility qty:1; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:1.937" nom.; hub od:0.990" min., 1.010" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance form center of bore to top of key:0.2015" nom.; key wd:0.187" min., 0.188" max.; flange thickness:0.140" min., 0.160" max.; material:carbon steel
Shaft Coupling Half
0.800" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter unthreaded bore dia.:0.2500" min., 0.2504" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.699" min., 2.701" max.; positioning facility qty:20; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral key; keying facility spacing in deg.:180; keying facility qty:2; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:3.30" nom. porm .010"; hub od:1.250" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance from center of bore to top of key:0.269" nom.; key wd:0.188" nom.; recess depth:0.050" nom.; recess dia.:1.950" nom.; flange thickness:0.240" min., 0.260" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.115" overall length material:copper, silicon allow, n, 46B28, type designation, any acceptable; unthreaded bore dia.:1/2" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia:3.123" min., 3.127" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:4.125" nom.; spline lg.:1.190" nom.; hub od:1.750" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:1/2" nom.; spline minor dia.:1.062" min., 1.063" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
2.000" overall length 4.490" outside diameter body keying facility dep/ht:0.380" min., 0.390" max.; body keying facility wd:0.625" min., 0.626" max.; keying facility
Shaft Coupling Half
0.990" overall length 3.290" outside diameter unthreaded bore dia.:0.2500" min., 0.2504" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.699" min., 2.701" max.; positioning facility qty:20; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; spline lg.:0.950" nom.; hub od:1.125" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; bore lg.:0.950" nom.; recess dep.:0.050" nom.; recess dia.:1" nom.; flange thickness:0.240" min., 0.260" max.; spline minor dia.:0.637" min., 0.638" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.469" overall length 0.031" by 0.031" beveled splines at hub end; surface treatment:painted; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.245" min., 2.255" max.; positioning fcaility qty:2; unthreaded hole location:thru flange 180 deg. apart; unthreaded hole qty:2; securing method:unthreaded hole; bore counterbore feature:not included; o/a outside dimension:2.984" min., 3.016" max.; spline lg.:0.469" min., 0.484" max.; hub od:1.490" min., 1.510" max.; flange thickness:0.172" min. 0.203" max.; spline minor dia.:0.637" min., 0.749" max.; hole dia.:0.323" min., 0.328" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.750" overall length one 3/32" hole thru each positioning hole; bore thread size designator:0.375-16 unc; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.500" nom.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:tapped; bore counterbore feature:not included; o/a outside dimension:3.250" lg. across positioning arms; spline lg.:0.656" nom.; hub od:1" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.531" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.500" overall length 1.0630" bore diameter unthreaded bore dia.:0.531" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.780" min., 2.820" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:3.800" nom.; hub od:1.500" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.250" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.240" overall length unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" min.; 0.3754" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.098" min., 2.102" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:2.850" porm .025; spline lg.:1.125" nom.; hub od:1.100" min., 1.150" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.625" nom; spline minor dia.:0.637" min., 0.638" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.745" overall length funthreaded bore depth:0.100" nom.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.250" nom.; bore thread size designator:1/4-20 nc; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:1.999" min., 2.001" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:body-bound; bore counterbore feature:not included; o/a outside dimension:2.500" nom.; spline lg.:0.650" nom.; hub od:1.125" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.450" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.530" min., 0.531" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.190" overall length 2.490" outside diameter body keying facility dep/ht:0.240" min., 0.260" max.; body keying facility wd:0.500" min., 0.501" max.; bore counterbore feature:included; keying facility:not included; counterbore location:hub end; spline lg.:0.950" nom.; hub od:1.500" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; bore lg.:1.190" min., 1.200" max.; flange thickness:0.400" nom.; counterbore dep.:0.250" nom.; counterbore dia.:0.920" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.7435" min., 0.7440" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.990" overall length 1.6250" bore diameter unthreaded bore depth:0.200" min., 0.210" max.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.5000" min., 0.5004" max.; bore thread size designator:1/2-13 nc; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:3.0985" min., 3.1015" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:body-bound; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:4" nom.; hub od:2.125" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.850" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.240" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter positioning holes have 0.03" porm; 010 by 45 deg. chamfer in ends on hub side; unthreaded bore dia.:0.375" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.240" min., 2.260" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral type; keying facility spacing in deg.:180; keying facility qty:2; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:3" nom.; hub od:1.300" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance from center of bore to bottom of keyway:0.269" nom.; key wd:0.188" nom.; flange thickness:0.430" min., 0.450" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.240" overall length 3.115" outside diameter unthreaded bore dia.:0.4062" min., 0.4066" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.250" nom.; positioning facility qty:4; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:included; keying facility:not included; counterbore location:coupling end; spline lg. 0.990" min., 1.010" max.; hub od:1.340" min., 1.360" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; bore lg.:1.125" nom.; flange thickness:0.490" min., 0.510" max.; counterbore dep.:0.250" min., 0.260" max.; counterbore dia.:1.250" min., 1.251" max.; spline minor dia.:0.743" min., 0.744" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
End of hub stepped down to 3.255" minus 0.010" dia. by 7/8" porm 0.010 lg, end of hub chamfered 0.060" porm 0.016" by 45 deg.; positioning hole counterbore dep.:0.375" nom.; positioning hole counterbore dia.:0.750" nom.; unthreaded bore dep.:0.125" nom.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" nom.; positioning hole style:counterbored; bore counterbore feature:included; keying facility:not included; counterbore location:hub end; spline lg.:1.750" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; counterbore dep.:0.750" nom.; counterbore dia.:2.766" nom.; spline minor dia.:2.338" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.490" overall length 1.000" outside diameter 0.2500" bore diameter 1) hole, 0.0935" dia. part way thru hub 90 deg. from threaded hole, (1) hole elongated, 0.125" plus 0.010", minus 0.000" w by 0.180" porm 0.010" lg. in flange 180 deg. from spot drilled hole, 0.375" porm 0.005 from center of bore; threaded hole qty:1; threaded hole location:90 deg. from spot drilled hole; hole thread size designator:no.6 - 40; body keying facility wd:0.187" min., 0.189" max.; body keying facility dep/ht:0.100" min., 0.110" max.; securing method:threaded hole; bore counterbore feature
Shaft Coupling Half
0.401" overall length 0.620" outside diameter 0.1243" bore diameter surface treatment:passivated; unthreaded bore dia.:0.063" nom.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:0.495" min., 0.505" max.; positioning facility qty:2; hole thread size designator:4 - 40; positioning hole style:plain; threaded hole location:0.141" from end of hub on same center line as positioning holes; threaded hole qty:2; securing method:threaded hole; bore counterbore feature
Shaft Coupling Half
0.9588" overall length 1.740" outside diameter 0.4988" bore diameter hub end of flange chamfered 5/32" by 45 deg., center line of bore keyway to be located w/center line of keys within 0.010" measured at 1" radius; distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:0.625" nom.; body keying facility dep/ht:0.1775" min., 0.1975" max.; body keying facility wd:0.6873" min., 0.6875" max.; keying facility qty:1; distance from center of bore to bottom of keyway:0.3230" nom.; counterbore location:coupling end; hub od:0.740" min., 0.760" max.; thread provision:unthreaded; keyway wd:0.1245" min., 0.1250" max.; flange thickness:0.490" min., 0.510" max.; counterbore dep.:0.156" nom.; counterbore dia.:1.250" nom.
Shaft Rigid Coupling
2.990" overall length 0.8750" both ends bore diameter both ends of coupling chamfered 0.050 in. porm 0.010 by 45 deg; distance from center of bore to top of key: 0.3365 in. ; 2 keying facilities provided both ends; keying facility spacing in degrees: 180.0; keying facility width: 0.1875 in. plain sleeve
Flexible Coupling Insert
4 bolt hole quantity laminated construction feature-not incl.; matl-steel n, 47-s-27, type a; max od 3.210 in. multiple holes, round bore
Shaft Coupling Half
0.995" overall length material:copper, silicon alloy, n, 46B28, type designation, any acceptable; positioning hole counterbore depth:0.039" min., 0.040" max.; positioning hole counterbore dia.:0.4375" min., 0.4385" max.; unthreaded bore depth:0.335" nom.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" min., 0.3754" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.248" min., 2.252" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:counterbored; bore counterbore feat:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:3" nom.; spline lg.:0.940" nom.; hub od:1.250" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.375" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.637" min., 0.6380" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
0.995" overall length material data:n, 46B28, type designation, any acceptable= (a/a) ; recessed hole dia.:0.4375" min., 0.4385" max.; positioning hole counterbore depth:0.040" min., 0.041" max.; positioning hole counterbore dia.:a/a; unthreaded bore depth:0.335" nom.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" min., 0.3754" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.248" min., 2.252" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:counterbored; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:3" nom.; spline lg.:0.940" nom.; hub od:1.250" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; spline qty:6; flange thickness:0.375" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.7430" min., 0.7440"
Shaft Coupling Half
1.340" overall length unthreaded bore depth:0.200" min., 0.210" max.; unthreaded bore dia.:0.5000" min., 0.5004" max.; bore thread size designator:1/2-13 nc; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:3.0985" min., 3.1015" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:body-bound; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility:not included; o/a outside dimension:4" nom.; spline lg.:1.250" nom.; hub od:1.375" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; flange thickness:0.850" nom.; spline minor dia.:0.7430" min., 0.7440" max.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.000" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter unthreaded bore dia.:0.2500" min., 0.2504" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.699" min., 2.702" max.; positioning facility qty:20; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral key; keying facility spacing in deg:180; keying facility qty:2; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:3.30" nom. porm 0.010"; hub od:1.125" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance from center of bore to top of key:0.269" nom.; key wd:0.1875" nom.; recess depth:0.050" nom.; recess dia.:1" nom.; flange thickness:0.250" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.240" overall length 0.7500" bore diameter surface treatment:painted; unthreaded bore dia.:0.3750" min., 0.3754" max.; positioning facility bolt circle dia.:2.0985" min., 2.1015" max.; positioning facility qty:2; positioning hole style:plain; bore counterbore feature:not included; keying facility type:integral key; keying facility qty:1; keying facility:included; o/a outside dimension:2.938" nom.; hub od:1.156" nom.; thread provision:unthreaded; distance form center of bore to top of key:0.269" nom.; key wd:0.187" min., 0.188" max.; flange thickness:0.625" nom.
Shaft Coupling Half
1.050" overall length 0.5000" bore diameter center lines of internal keys
Shaft Coupling Half
0.390" overall length 0.7500" outside diameter 0.2500" bore diameter distance from bore centerline to body keying facility bottom/top:0.1875" nom.; body keying facility wd:0.1495" min., 0.1500" max.; body keying facility dep/ht:0.095" min., 0.100" max.; keying facility