Miscellaneous Vehicular Components FSG 25 — FSC 2590

Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:bfvs M2A2 ifv M2A3 cfv; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:right rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379784-2; dimensions lxw:14.7X21.9; frame p/n:12379782-2; dimensions lxw:15.1X22; includes the following additional components:2" wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, 22.5", 17.8"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985170; attachment method:velcro
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:bfvs M2A2 ifv M2A3 cfv; color:green: application:panel; panel position:left rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379783-1; dimensions lxw:14.7X21.9; frame p/n:12379781-1; dimensions lxw:15.1X22; includes the following additional components:2" wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, 22.5", 17.8"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985169; attachment method:velcro
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:bfvs m2a2 ifv m2a3 cfv; color:green; application:panel; panel position:right rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379784-1; dimensions lxw:14.7x21.9; frame p/n:12379782-1; dimensions lxw:15.1x22; includes the following additional components:2"wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, 22.5", 17.8"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985169; attachment method:velcro and bolted to stowage box door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410.
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:bfvs M2A2 ifv M2A3 cfv; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:left rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379783-2; dimensions lxw:14.7X21.9; frame p/n:12379781-2; dimensions lxw:15.1X22; includes the following additional components:2"wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, 22.5", 17.8"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985170; attachment method:velcro
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:bfvs M2A2 ifv M2A3 cfv; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:left turret; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat hinged; insert p/n:12379785-2; dimensions lxw:triangle halves 20.2X12.72; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:bracket 12379791-2, lanyard 12296888-3, pin 7752865; total pieces:4; nha kit:2350013985170; attachment method:bolt to armor left of barrel; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:m109a2-a5 sphow m109a6 sphow paladin m992 faasv; color:brown;application:panel;panel position:front; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379706-2; dimensions lxw:40x14; frame p/n:(2)12379707-2; dimensionslxw:(2)13.5x8.1; includes the following additional components:screw 80204-b1821bh050f225n, screw 80204-b1821bh050f150n, (2) washer ms27183-18, (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook ms87006-3, (2) pin ms17984c504; total pieces:13; nha kit:23500113985176, 2350013985179, 23500113985178; attachment method:bolt to engine cover; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928.
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:m93 nbcrs fox; color:brown;application:panel;panel position:right side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379808-2; dimensions lxw:48x15; frame p/n:(a)12379812-2 (b)12379813-2; dimensions lxw:(2)8.4x4.7x2; includes the following additional components:(2) screw din933, (2)lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook ms87006-3, (2) pin ms17984c504; total pieces:11; nha kit:2350013985173; attachment method: bolt to stowage rack; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928.
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M109A2-A5 sphow M109A6 sphow paladin M992 faasv; color:green; application:panel; panel position:front; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379706-1; dimensions lxw:40X14; frame p/n: (2) 12379707-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 13.5X8.1; includes the following additional components:screw 80204-B1821BH50F225n, screw 80204-B1821BH050F150n, (2) washer MS27183-18, (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:13; nha kit:2350013985175, 2350013985180, 2350013985177; attachment method:bolt to engine cover; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
Used on M992.
Identification Combat Panel
Eend item identification:M992 faasv; color:green; application:panel; panel position:side; qty per eii:2; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379745; dimensions lxw:22X26; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) 4" long, 2"wide velcro, self adhesive; total pieces:1; nha kit:2350013985177; attachment method:velcro to hull; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:soum, remove right side when using heater; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
18.000" overall length
Identification Combat Panel
Yend item identification:M992 faasv; color:tan; application:panel; panel position: rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379713-2; dimensions LXW31.5X23.5; frame p/n:12379747-2; dimensions lxw:32X24; includes the following additional components:2" wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, (2) 24", 28"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985178; attachment method:bplted above crew access door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:m93 nbcrs fox; color:green; application panel; panel position:front; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379805-1; dimensions lxw:72x16.75; frame p/n:(4)12379806-1; dimensions lxw:16.75x3 wedge; includes the following additional components:(4)lanyard 6"12379794-1, (4)hook ms87006-3, (4)pin ms17984c504; total pieces:17; nha kit:2350013985174; attachment method:glued to nose plate; de-mail instructions:as stated; other:requires adhesive 8030007535004 3.5 fl oz. to install brackets; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410. front assy, combat identification panel includes panel, p/n 12379805-1;
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M93 nbcrs fox; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:front; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379805-2; dimensions lxw:72X16.75; frame p/n: (4) 12379806-2; dimensions lxw:16.75X3 wedge; includes the following additional components: (4) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (4) hook MS87006-3, (4) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:17; nha kit:2350013985173; attachment method:glued to nose plate; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:requires adhesive 8030007535004 3.5 fl oz. to install brackets; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
26.000" overall length 22.000" overall width end item identification:M992 faasv; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:side; qty per eii:2; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379745; dimensions lxw:22X26; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) 4"long 2"wide velcro, self adhesive; total pieces:1; nha kit:2350013985178; attachment method:velcro to hull; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:soum, remove right side when using heater; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M93 nbcrs fox; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379815-1; dimensions lxw:26X27.5; frame p/n: (a) 12379816-1, (b) 12379817-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 5X10 1.5; includes the following additional components: (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:9; nha kit:2350013985174; attachment method:glued to rear crew door; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:requires adhesive 8030007535004 3.5 fl oz to install brackets; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
Zend item identification:M992 faasv; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379713-1; dimensions lxw:31.5X23.5; frame p/n:12379747-1; dimensions lxw:32X24; includes the following additional components:2"wide velcro hook, self adhesive of the following lengths, (2) 24", 28"; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985177; attachment method:bolted above crew access door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
Used on rend item identification:m93 nbcrs fox; color:brown;application:panel;panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379815-2; dimensions lxw:26x27.5; frame p/n:(a)12379816-2 (b)12379817-2; dimensions lxw:(2)5x10 1.5; includes the following additional components:(2)lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2)hook ms87006-3, (2)pin ms17984c504; total pieces:9; nha kit:2350013985173; attachment method:glued to rear crew door; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:requires adhesive 8030007535004 3.5 fl oz. to install brackets; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928.
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M93 nbcrs fox; color:brown:application:panel; panel position:left side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379808-2; dimensions lxw:48X15; frame p/n: (a) 12379809-2, (b) 12379810-2; dimensions lxw: (2) 11X2.5X2.5; includes the following additional components: (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C505, (2) screw 80204-B1821BH050F150n, (2) washer, flat MS27183-18, (2) washer, lock 10941915-5, (2) nut MS21044N8; total pieces:17; nha kit:2350013985173; attachment method:bolt to catwalk; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M109A6 sphow paladin; color:green; application:panel; panel position:left side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379708; dimensions lxw:19X35; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) 6" long 2" wide velcro hook, self adhesive; total pieces:1; nha kit:2350013985179; attachment method:velcro to hull; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M109A6 sphow paladin; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:right side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379710-2; dimensions lxw:47.5X15; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:7; nha kit:2350013985180; attachment method:hang on rammer shaft stowage bracket, secure w/pin; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Nend item identification:M109A6 sphow paladin; color:green; application:panel; panel position:right side; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379710-1; dimensions lxw:47.5X15; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:7; nha kit:2350013985179; attachment method:hang on rammer shaft stowage bracket, secure w/pin; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M109A6 sphow paladin; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379713-2; dimensions lxw:31.4X23.5; frame p/n:12379795-2; dimensions lxw:32X33.6; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985180; attachment method:bolted above crew access door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:m109a6 sphow paladin; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:12379713-1; dimensions lxw:31.4x23.5; frame p/n:12379795-1; dimensions lxw:32x33.6; total pieces:2; nha kit:2350013985179; attachment method:bolted above crew access door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410. rear assembly combat identification panel
Filler Opening Cap
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv tow M966, M1036, M1045, M1046; color:brown; application:panel; panel position: rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:DTA178459-2; dimensions lxw: (2) 45X22.5; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:2" velcro hook, self adhesive, (4) 22.5" long, (3) 41"long; total pieces:2; nha kit:2320013987190; attachment method:velcro to hatch; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv armoured avenger, fltv/fmtv; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear (avenger) front (fltv/fmtv) ; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178634-1; dimensions lxw 48X13; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:bracket DTA1778678-1, bracket DTA178679-1, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) lanyard 10" DTA178821-4, (4) pin DTA178374, (4) screw MS90725-6, (4) washer flat MS27183-10, (4) locknut MS51922-1; total pieces:23; nha kit:avenger 2320013987196; fltv/fmtv 2320014839051; attachment method:avenger, bolts to stowage box, fltv/fmtv, velcro to front of cab; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv 4 liter amb armoured M996, M997; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178618-1; dimensions lxw:26.75X17; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) wellnut 1233939 or nut MS27130-29, (4) screw MS5161-15, (4) screw MS35207-266, (4) clip 12341798; total pieces:17; nha kit:2320013987187; attachment method:retainer clips mounted on left rear door; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:authorized to cover red cross symbol; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv armoured avenger, fltv/fmtv; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:rear (avenger) front (ltv/fmtv) ; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178634-2; dimensions lxw:48X13; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:bracket DTA1778678-1, bracket DTA178679-1, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) lanyard 10" DTA178821-4, (4) pin DTA178374, (4) screw MS90725-6, (4) washer, flat MS27183-10, (4) locknut MS51922-1; total pieces:23; nha kit:avenger, 2320013987197; fltv/fmtv, 2320014839056; attachment:avenger, bolts to stowage box, fltv/fmtv, velcro to front of cab; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv scout rear, hemtt/pls front; color:tan; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat hinged; insert p/n:DTA178370-2; dimensions lxw: (2) 50X8; frame p/n: (a) DTA178372-2 (b) DTA178373-2; dimensions lxw: (2) triangles 6.25X11.25; includes the following additional components: (4) screw MS90728-10, (14) washer MS27183-10, (10) nut MS51922-1, (4) screw MS90728-6, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) pin DTA178374; total pieces:39; nha kit:2320013987195, 2320014725884, 2320014847838, 2320014847833; attachment method:hmmwv bolted to hatch lid, hemtt bolted to roof of cab; de-mil:as stated; other:requires a 3 inch offset wedge with hemtt includes plate assy, p/n DTA178370-2; bracket "a", p/n DTA178372-2; bracket "b", p/n DTA178373-2;
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv cargo M998, M1035, M1038, M1097, M1109; color:green; application:panel; panel position:side; qty per eii:2; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178548-1; dimensions lxw:39.4X16.9; frame p/n:DTA178672-1; dimensions lxw:40X17; includes the following additional components: (2) angle DTA178676-1, (4) screw MS90725-32, (8) washer MS27183-12, (4) locknut MS51922-9, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) pin DTA178374; total pieces:24; nha kit:2320014060481; attachment method:bolts over rear wheel; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv cargo M998, M1035, M1038, M1097, M1109; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:side; qty per eii:2; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178548-2; dimensions lxw:39.4X16.9; frame p/n:DTA178672-2; dimensions lxw:40X17; includes the following additional components: (2) angle DTA178676-2, (4) screw MS90725-32, (8) washer MS27183-12, (4) locknut MS51922-9, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) pin DTA178374; total pieces:24; nha kit:2320013987194; attachment method:bolts over rear wheel; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv cargo M998, M1035, M1038, M1097, M1109; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178549-1; dimensions lxw:57.9X12.5; frame p/n: (a) DTA178666-1, (b) DTA178667-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 6X12; includes the following additional components: (4) screw MS9075-35, (8) washer 24617-2436162, (4) nut MS51943-33, (2) screw MS90725-113, (2) washer flat MS27183-18; (2) washer lock MS35338-48, (2) nut MS51967-14; total pieces:27; nha kit:2320014060481, 2320014112566; attachment method:bolted to rear of vehicle; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn; 8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv cargo M998, M1035, M1038, M1097, M1109; color:tan; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178549-2; dimensions lxw:57.9X12.5; frame p/n: (a) DTA178666-2, (b) DTA178667-2; dimensions lxw: (2) 6X12; includes the following additional components: (4) screw MS9075-35, (8) washer 24617-2436162, (4) nut MS51943-33, (2) screw MS90725-113; (2) washer flat MS27183-18, (2) washer lock MS35338-48; (2) nut MS51967-14; total pieces:27; nha kit:2320013987194, 2320014114393; bolted to rear of vehicle; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn 8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:hmmwv s250 shelter carrier m0137, m1042, m1097; color:tan; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:dta178634-2; dimensions lxw:48x13; frame p/n:na; dimensions lxw:(2)11.5x3.25; includes the following additional components:brackets(a) dta178731-2,(b) dta178732-2, (2)lanyard 10" dta178821-4, (2)lanyard 7" dta178821-2, (4)pin dta178734, (4)screw ms90725-12, (4)washer flat ms27813-10, (4)locknut ms51922-1; total pieces:23; nha kit:2320013987192; attachment method:bolted to tailgate; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928.
Identification Combat Panel
Send item identification:hmmwv scout rear, hemtt/pls front; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat hinged: insert p/n:DTA178370-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 50X8; frame p/n: (a) DTA178372-1, (b) DTA178373-1; dimensions lxw: (2) triangles 6.25X11.25; includes the following additional components: (4) screw MS90728-10, (14) washer MS27183-10, (10) nut MS51922-1, (4) screw MS90728-6, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (2) pin DTA178374; total pieces:39; nha kit:2320013987193, 2320014725882, 2320014847836, 2320014848700; attachment method:hmmwv, bolted to hatch lid, hemtt, bolted to roof of cab; de-mil instructions:as stated; other:requires a 3 inch offset wedge with hemtt
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv 4 liter amb armoured M996, M997; color:tan; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178618-2; dimensions lxw:26.75X17; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) wellnut 1233939 or nut MS27130-29, (4) screw MS5161-15, (4) screw MS35207-266, (4) clip 12341798; total pieces:17; nha kit:2320013987188; attachment method:retainer clips mounted on left rear door; de-mil instructions:as stated: other:authorized to cover red cross symbol; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M93 nbcrs fox; color:green; application:panel; panel position:left side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379808-1; dimensions lxw:48X15; frame p/n: (a) 12379809-1, (b) 12379810-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 11X2.5X2.5; includes the following additional components: (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504, (2) screw 80204-B1821BH050F150n, (2) washer, flat MS27183-18, (2) washer, lock 10941915-5, (2) nut MS21044N8; total pieces:17; nha kit:2350013985174; attachment method:bolt to catwalk; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M93 nbcrs fox; color:green; application:panel; panel position:right side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379808-1; dimensions lxw:48X15; frame p/n: (a) 12379812-1, (b) 12379813-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 8.4X4.7X2; includes the following additional components: (2) screw DIN933, (2) lanyard 6" 12379794-1, (2) hook MS87006-3, (2) pin MS17984C504; total pieces:11; nha kit:2350013985174; attachment method:bolt to stowage rack; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv basic armour; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:left door; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA177926-2; dimensions lxw:31.6X26.25; frame p/n:DTA177927-2; dimensions lxw:32.25X26.75; total pieces:2; nha kit:2320013987195, 2320013987190, 2320013987197, 2320013987188; attachment method:bolt to drivers door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:hmmwv basic armour; color:green; application:panel; panel position:right door; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:dta178367-1; dimensions lxw:31.6x26.25; frame p/n:dta177938-1; dimensions lxw:32.25x26.75; total pieces:2; nha kit:2320013987193, 2320013987189, 2320013987196, 2320013987187; attachment method:bolt to passenger door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn;8135013907410. side assembly right combat i.d panel
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:M109A6 sphow paladin; color:tan; application:panel; panel position:left side; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:12379708; dimensions lxw:19X35; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components: (4) 6" long 2" wide velcro hook, self adhesive; total pieces:1; nha kit:2350013985180; attachment method:velcro to hull; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:all hmmwv's; color:brown; application:panel; panel position:front; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n: (2) DTA178401-2; dimensions lxw: (2) 26.25X22.5; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:plate DTA178377-2, plate DTA178376-2, strip DTA178378-2, (2) strap 36" 8690473, strap 80" 8690486, (2) s-hook DTA178462, (2) screw MS90728-10, (3) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (3) pin DTA178374; total pieces:17; nha kit:2320013987195, 2320013987190, 2320013987197, 3230013987188, 2320013987192, 2320014114393, 2320013987194, 2320014725884; attachment method:bolt one to hood, strap one to brush guard; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013922928
Identification Combat Panel
Iend item identification:hmmwv tow M966, M1036, M1045, M1046; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:flat; insert p/n:DTA178459-1; dimensions lxw: (2) 45X22.5; frame p/n:na; includes the following additional components:2" velcro hook self adhesive, (4) 22.5" long, (3) 41" long; total pieces:2; nha kit:2320013987189; attachment method:velcro to hatch; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
Filler Opening Cap
Outside cam type
Linear Actuating Cylin Parts Kit
Used on 2350-00-122-6826.
Cushioning Pad
Vehicular Components Bracket
Used on 2320-01-354-3385. 107.1mm overall length primer surface treated
Identification Combat Panel
Used on end item identification:hmmwv basic armour; color:green; application:panel; panel position:left door; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:dta177926-1; dimensions lxw:31.6x26.25; frame p/n:dta177927-1; dimensions lxw:32.25x26.75; total pieces:2; nha kit:2320013987193, 2320013987189, 2320013987196, 2320013987187; attachment method:bolt to drivers door; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410.
Identification Combat Panel
End item identification:hmmwv S250 shelter carrier M0137, M1042, M1097; color:green; application:panel; panel position:rear; qty per eii:1; type insert:louvered; insert p/n:DTA178634-1; dimensions lxw:48X13; frame p/n:na; dimensions lxw: (2) 11.5X3.25; includes the following additional components:brackets (a) DTA178731-1, (b) DTA178732-1, (2) lanyard 10" DTA178821-4, (2) lanyard 7" DTA178821-2, (4) pin DTA178734, (4) screw MS90725-12, (4) washer flat MS27813-10, (4) locknut MS51922-1; total pieces:23; nha kit:2320013987191; attachment method:bolted to tailgate; de-mil instructions:as stated; repair with tape nsn:8135013907410
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