Includes aircraft carriers; battleships; cruisers; destroyers; submarines; frigates and corvettes; gunboats; motor torpedo boats; subchasers; landing barges; minelaying and mine sweeping craft
Includes tugs; towboats; fire boats; ice breakers; repair ships; tender vessels (buoy, lighthouse, destroyer); lightships; cable ships; salvage and submarine rescue vessels
Includes aircraft lighters, car floats, and other transportation barges, depot barges; scows
Includes derrick, piledriver, and rock cutter barges; barrage balloon, catapult lighter, and torpedo testing barges; concrete mixing plant, mechanical bank grader, and other bank revetment barges; fire, smudge removal, and other pump barges; houseboats, except yacht type; power plant barges; refrigeration barges; barge mounted cranes, flexible towed barges
Includes powered and unpowered small craft; lifesaving boats; airplane crash boats; reconnaissance boats; yachts; pneumatic boats
Includes camels; pontoon stanchions; pontoon ramps
Includes dredges, without hull; ocean-going dredges; floating dredges
Includes commercial sailing vessels
NSN 5360-00-702-5942
NSN 5961-01-187-8678
NSN 6850-01-376-1766
NSN 5910-01-453-5174
NSN 5365-01-313-3092
NSN 1560-01-551-5052
NSN 5930-00-364-7569
NSN 6145-01-072-1703
NSN 5962-01-203-9739
NSN 6210-00-781-6823
NSN 5962-01-004-0621
NSN 5340-01-170-3168
NSN 2030-01-495-6413
NSN 5826-00-704-3130
NSN 2840-00-063-7282
NSN 2990-01-105-5674
NSN 7045-01-188-7343
NSN 5310-01-207-0244
NSN 5340-01-342-4908
NSN 5940-01-225-5768
NSN 4820-01-481-9528
NSN 5905-00-141-1132
NSN 6320-00-343-1798
NSN 1680-01-217-6513