Includes components
Includes components, except fuzes and primers; chemical warfare cartridges
Includes components, except fuzes and primers; pyrotechnic cartridges and projectiles; chemical warfare cartridges and projectiles
Includes components, except fuzes and primers; chemical warfare projectiles
Includes components; photoflash bombs; chemical warfare bombs; bomb clusters
Includes components; hand and rifle grenades; smoke grenades
Includes warheads containing military chemical agents; exercise heads, guided missile
Includes rocket motors (solid propellant units) for guided missiles, explosive-loaded; all explosive components for guided missile and space vehicle solid fuel propulsion units; solid propellants encased in consumable containers, such as squibs and cartridges, intended for insertion into missile propulsion systems as integral parts
Includes rocket motors (solid propellant units) for guided missiles, inert-loaded or empty; all inert (nonexplosive) components for guided missile and space vehicle solid fuel propulsion units
Includes complete rounds; explosive components, including warheads; pyrotechnic rockets; solid fuel jato units; rocket motors (solid propellant units) for rockets; covers, protective rocket warhead; jettisonable rocket launchers; conditioning kits and sets, controlled environment; and other peculiar components which are not classified elsewhere
Includes components; antipersonnel mines; antitank mines; fuzes
Munitions items/systems that are not held by the soldier but are deployed for future activation
Includes parachute packs; inert mine cases; booster cans; clock delays; clock starters; search coils; extenders
Includes loaded cases; boosters; detonators
Version of underwater mine disposal explosive device without destructive charge
Complete explosive devices, including destructive charge
Includes warheads; boosters; detonators
Includes inert firing mechanisms; pistols without detonators; extenders
Includes cases; boosters; detonators
Includes war gases; screening smokes; incendiary and thickening agents; signaling smokes
A collection of items, which are used for a specific purpose
Includes flares; signals; fireworks; pistol rocket signals
Includes items for construction, quarrying and demolition work such as dynamite and other explosives packed in cylindrical paper cartridges or in bags, demolition charges, blasting caps, blasting time fuses, detonating cord, demolition firing devices; booby trap mechanisms; bangalore torpedoes; inert accessories and components such as blasting machines, priming adapters, and detonating cord clips
Includes solid propellants, predetermined to specific quantity and quality, packaged in reusable containers; explosive loaded devices and components as shown in the indexes to the fsc
This class includes safety-in-flight explosive items, consisting of a quantity of propellant (either encased in a cartridge or in molded form) and a means of activation, designed to be inserted into or attached to one or more devices to provide the energy required to operate devices requiring a time delay, or not requiring a time delay, in their operating sequence
This class includes only specialized tools and equipment developed for and used by qualified explosive ordnance disposal (eod) personnel
This class includes only specialized tools and equipment developed for and used by qualified explosive ordnance disposal (eod), personnel, underwater demolition teams (udt), and/or sea-air-land (seal) personnel
This class includes only fuzes and primers for use in ammunition classified in classes 1310, 1315, and 1320
Includes ammunition shapes, such as blanks, disks, slugs, cups, and rotating bands (shell bands)
Includes handling and servicing equipment specially designed for use on or with rockets and conventional ammunition
NSN 5306-01-339-9021
NSN 2530-01-101-5502
NSN 4920-00-690-4657
NSN 6150-01-579-9657
NSN 5307-00-370-1544
NSN 6505-01-569-5234
NSN 6105-01-213-6223
NSN 3110-00-225-7792
NSN 8470-01-592-2469
NSN 5120-01-335-1143
NSN 5330-01-652-6839
NSN 5330-00-763-3070
NSN 5935-00-772-3307
NSN 4720-01-248-8812
NSN 4720-01-596-8185
NSN 5310-01-184-9517
NSN 6145-01-513-9750
NSN 5998-00-407-7960
NSN 5905-00-060-2486
NSN 5340-01-421-7282
NSN 5950-00-579-9484
NSN 5905-00-158-5154
NSN 6150-01-452-4142
NSN 5905-00-666-2703