This class includes nuclear weapons (including bombs), which are designed to be dropped from an aircraft
This class includes nuclear weapons which are designed to be propelled from a recoilless rifle, gun, howitzer, or the like, and which are not designed to be self-propelled
This class includes nuclear warheads (without or assembled with case sections, adaption kits, and/or fuzing and firing components) which are to be used in or with bombs, rockets, projectiles, missiles, demolition charges, or the like
This class includes nuclear weapons which consist of depth charge bodies assembled with nuclear warheads
This class includes nuclear weapons which are designed to be emplaced in or near a structure, area, or the like, which is to be destroyed
This class includes nuclear weapons, consisting of rocket bodies assembled with nuclear warheads, which comprise a single item of supply and are issued as such
This class includes collections of items used for the purpose of converting nuclear weapons from one configuration to another
Includes such items as fuzes, power supplies, firing sets, x-units, cables, safing devices, adaption kits, and re-entry vehicle nuclear ordnance arming and fuzing systems
Includes all components which contain or simulate nuclear active materials
This class includes actual and simulated explosive and pyrotechnic components peculiar to all nuclear ordnance end items, such as bombs, demolition charges, rockets, projectiles, warheads, and related systems
Includes specially designed trucks and trailers for nuclear ordnance; specially designed slings and hoists; operational, test, and setting devices, and cradles; conditioning kits and sets, controlled environment
Includes items common to more than one class or items not properly fitting into the foregoing classes of nuclear ordnance
NSN 4720-01-569-9633
NSN 5305-01-246-9461
NSN 3040-00-611-3845
NSN 3040-01-269-8882
NSN 5310-00-010-3025
NSN 1560-01-160-7236
NSN 2940-00-540-3539
NSN 5935-01-395-2342
NSN 5330-01-331-3724
NSN 5950-01-643-8219
NSN 5306-00-637-9691
NSN 9905-00-330-3188
NSN 4320-01-487-4041
NSN 5330-01-144-6014
NSN 5920-00-824-1515
NSN 5330-00-136-4617
NSN 5930-01-146-2943
NSN 5905-00-043-0253
NSN 6625-01-567-1531
NSN 5305-00-680-9157
NSN 5935-00-952-6458
NSN 8455-01-598-1833
NSN 5305-01-118-4927
NSN 5310-01-413-3726