Includes machine guns; brushes, machine gun and pistol
Includes breech mechanisms; mounts; grenade launchers for integral-cartridge grenades, single-shot or auto-loading or automatic-firing
Includes breech mechanisms; mounts; rammers
Includes breech mechanisms; power drives; gun shields
Includes firing platforms; mounts; gun shields
Includes gun yokes; rammers; reflectors
Includes breech mechanisms; training gears; power drives
Includes flame throwers; smoke generators
Includes depth charge tracks; torpedo tubes
Includes airborne rocket launchers adaptable to guided missile use
This class includes nets and booms for harbor defense only
Includes dummy artillery, aircraft and vehicles; garnished nets
Includes components and accessories used on or with weapons falling in two or more classes of group 10
Includes line throwing guns; catapult guns; bayonets; saluting guns; signal guns; flare guns; barrage balloons; accessories, not elsewhere classifiable, for weapons in this group; expendable bomb dispensers
NSN 1210-00-381-4751
NSN 4320-01-252-1787
NSN 5306-00-420-6474
NSN 5306-00-637-9674
NSN 7643-01-402-8643
NSN 6530-01-263-2498
NSN 1560-01-481-0087
NSN 1560-01-444-3263
NSN 5342-01-433-0430
NSN 5340-01-165-4707
NSN 4820-00-720-4485
NSN 5306-01-141-7881
NSN 6515-01-284-8854
NSN 6685-00-404-7846
NSN 8115-00-290-3373
NSN 2990-00-316-4901
NSN 5990-00-812-1439
NSN 4730-01-444-3409
NSN 6625-01-641-2236
NSN 5310-00-186-0964
NSN 6150-01-079-9077
NSN 5995-01-472-7328
NSN 5920-01-028-5727
NSN 6150-01-395-9514