
001030730 Plain Encased Seal

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Datasheet. 00103.0730 specification

End Item Identification
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.

fork lift front axle differential p/n 211-04-0002

Reference Data And Literature
Literature and references available for information pertaining to the item.

0532-LP-103-0916, section 6, page 89, figure 6.42, item 4


What quantity is this sold in?


What is the NSN for 00103.0730?


How is this classified for shipping?

Schedule B number: 8484200000
nmfc 194090
Mechanical seals

What's the federal classification of 00103.0730?

FSC 5330 ⁓ Packing and gasket materials

Note-this fsc includes only seals and gaskets designed for standard use. seals, gaskets and packing are made from materials specifically designed and constructed to resist deterioration from the action of heat, gas, chemicals, liquids, and used to fill a cavity and create a tight seal. similar materials used to make seals, gaskets, and packing are available in bulk form, refer to fsg 93, fsg 80, and fsg 83.

Excluding o-rings (fsc 5331); bulk material items, such as; rubber, cork, and asbestos sheets and strips (fsg 93); liquid gasket materials (rtv, permatex, etc.) (fsg 80); rfi and emi seals and gaskets (fsc 5999), and all seal retainers.

NSN 5330-01-525-7113 SEAL,PLAIN ENCASED

Used on fork lift front axle differential p/n 211-04-0002.

Schedule B
Name Code
Item Weight
Item Dimensions
Historical Price
$131.15 EA
Uncontrolled item (Code A)
No hazard information available from HMIRS.
Precious Metals
No precious metals
Electrostatic ESD & EMI
No ESD or EMI sensitivity

Other Part Numbers Parts with same form, fit, and function by other manufacturers

1. 001-03-0730 Cage 77237
2. 011.03.0730 Cage 77237
3. 001-03-0730 Cage 77237
4. 011.03.0730 Cage 77237
5. 001-03-0730 Cage 77237
6. 011.03.0730 Cage 77237

Major End Users Countries and entities

  • - Department of The Navy 
  • - Canada 

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Shipping Information

Special Handling
Other or no special handling required (sh) 
LTL (less than a truck load rating)
LCL (less than a car load rating)
Special Cargo
No special type of cargo code applicable 
Air Freight (Minimum cargo door size required)
Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84 inches in any dimension. 
Customs Requirement Classification
Construction materials: includes paint and related materials, prefabricated building, wood products, metal and composition mater 
Commodity (for shipments via water)
Metal hardware 
NMFC (national motor freight code)
UFC (universal freight code)

Similar by Design Other seals with similar characteristics

Nothing similar to this part number was found in our inventory

00103.0730 / Seal,plain encasedWhat is the formal definition of this item?

A pliable rubber, felt, leather, or composition ring-shaped element, split or solid; with or without spring or spreader, having a metal shell on all or a portion of at least two of the outer surfaces. it may be designed to be either bolt mounted or pressmounted between fixed and moveable parts to form a tight and effective seal by the pressure of the spring or spreader or the resiliency inherent in the element material. excludes packing with retainer.