
S126030071N Packing Retainer

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What is the NSN for S12603-007-1N?


How is this classified for shipping?

Schedule B number: 3926904500
Gaskets,washers & other seals

What's the federal classification of S12603-007-1N?

FSC 5330 ⁓ Packing and gasket materials

Note-this fsc includes only seals and gaskets designed for standard use. seals, gaskets and packing are made from materials specifically designed and constructed to resist deterioration from the action of heat, gas, chemicals, liquids, and used to fill a cavity and create a tight seal. similar materials used to make seals, gaskets, and packing are available in bulk form, refer to fsg 93, fsg 80, and fsg 83.

Excluding o-rings (fsc 5331); bulk material items, such as; rubber, cork, and asbestos sheets and strips (fsg 93); liquid gasket materials (rtv, permatex, etc.) (fsg 80); rfi and emi seals and gaskets (fsc 5999), and all seal retainers.

NSN 5330-01-178-9522 RETAINER,PACKING

Schedule B
Name Code
Uncontrolled item (Code A)
No hazard information available from HMIRS.
Precious Metals
Metal content unknown
Electrostatic ESD & EMI
No ESD or EMI sensitivity

Other Part Numbers Parts with same form, fit, and function by other manufacturers

Major End Users Countries and entities

  • - Germany 

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S12603-007-1N / Retainer,packingWhat is the formal definition of this item?

An item designed to fit over a packing gland by mating with a surface of a second part which together will retain into a narrow groove or confined space the packing, preformed or o-ring, or an item designed to fit over a rod or shaft, to mate with a stuffing box to confine packing material. it may function as a static or dynamic seal retainer with the packing located on, around, or in the centerline direction of the rod or shaft axis. it may have holes or joints for mounting, be threaded or unthreaded. see also packing nut and packing nut, stuffing tube.