
810138577210 Lock Washer

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Datasheet. 810-1385772-10 specification

End Item Identification
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.

black water equipment

The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.

steel comp 304 or steel comp 316


What material is the lock washer made of ?

Steel comp 304 or steel comp 316

What is the NSN for 810-1385772-10?


How is this classified for shipping?

Schedule B number: 7318210000
Spring washers and other lock washers, iron or steel

What's the federal classification of 810-1385772-10?

FSC 5310 ⁓ Nuts and washers

Note-nuts and washers, including specially designed, are to be classified in this fsc. a. nuts are a small metal block made in a variety of shapes such as square and hexagonal which is drilled and internally threaded. b. washers are a perforated piece of metal, leather, or other materials of various shapes or forms. they are used primarily as a seat for a bolt, nut, screw, rivet or nail to distribute pressure and prevent endwise motion over an area and/or to prevent movement between two parts by means of restraining features created by the shape of its edges.

Excluding bearing thrust washers (fsc 3120); shims (fsc 5365); ring spacers (fsc 5365); plate spacers (fsc 5365); lock rings (fsc 5365).

NSN 5310-01-316-6271 WASHER,LOCK

Used on black water equipment.

Schedule B
Name Code
Uncontrolled item (Code A)
No hazard information available from HMIRS.
Precious Metals
Metal content unknown
Electrostatic ESD & EMI
No ESD or EMI sensitivity

Major End Users Countries and entities

  • - Canada 

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810-1385772-10 / Washer,lockWhat is the formal definition of this item?

A washer which is usually round with a centrally located hole. its edges and two bearing surfaces are so designed that applied pressure brings into play the spring tension and/or frictional locking principle which materially resists any tendency toward turning. it may be made of one or two pieces