8300-2 Rev A Group List No 8300-2 dtd 9/9/85 or later FAA approved rev Heater Muffler Assy (rh)

Cessna Heater Muffler Assy (rh) 83002RevAGroupListNo83002dtd9985orlaterFAAapprovedrev


  • 150H through 150M S/N 15067199 through 15079405 and Models A150K through A150M S/N A1500001 through A1500734 with Teledyne Continental O-200-A Engine. Reims Aviation Model Cessna F150H through F150M S/N 1500220 through F1500128 and Cessna Model FA150K through FA150L S/N FA1500001 through FA1500120 with Rolls Royce Teledyne Continental O-200-A Engine.

OEM Cessna P/N 0450400-25


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