Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5930-00-020-9567 Sensitive Switch

nsn 5930000209567 has an unthreaded mounting hole diameter of 0.14 inches. the switch has a actuator length of 0.094 inches. the actuator style is rectangular. the actuator width is 0.094 inches. the actuator free position height is 0.719 inches.

NSN 5905-00-012-4386 Wound Fixed Resistor

temp coefficient of resistance in ppm per deg celsius -30 to 30 body length between 0.281 inches and 0.343 inches

NSN 5905-00-011-2713 Wound Fixed Resistor

temp coefficient of resistance in ppm per deg celsius -20/+20 body length between 0.938 inches and 1.062 inches

5315-00-010-3790 Headless Straight Pin

headless straight pin nsn 5315000103790. pin overall length between 1.738 inches and 1.762 inches

5315-00-010-3789 Headless Straight Pin

headless straight pin nsn 5315000103789. pin overall length between 1.613 inches and 1.637 inches

5315-00-010-3788 Headless Straight Pin

headless straight pin nsn 5315000103788. first end taper length 0.031 inches

5315-00-010-3787 Headless Straight Pin

headless straight pin nsn 5315000103787. pin overall length between 1.363 inches and 1.387 inches

NSN 5310-00-011-2662 Recessed Washer

hole diameter 0.286in. ⁓19/64 outside diameter 0.639 inches

NSN 5310-00-011-2659 Round Plain Nut

drive point depth between 0.065 inches and 0.075 inches steel material

NSN 5325-00-010-7658 Retaining Ring

retaining ring nsn 5325000107658. sectional shape style cross rectangular

5365-00-010-7657 Sleeve Spacer

sleeve spacer nsn 5365000107657. overall length between 2.778in. and 2.78in. ⁓2-25/32

NSN 5330-00-010-7656 Preformed Packing

preformed packing nsn 5330000107656. sectional shape style cross u

5330-00-010-7655 Preformed Packing

preformed packing nsn 5330000107655. sectional shape style cross u

NSN 5895-00-010-7653 Electrical Frequen Discriminator

electrical frequent discriminator nsn 5895000107653. end item identification c-2/e-2 acft

NSN 5305-00-013-1983 Screw

fastener length 0.875in. ⁓7/8 head height between 0.12in. and 0.113in. ⁓1/8

NSN 5305-00-013-1909 Screw

fastener length 0.75in. ⁓3/4 head diameter between 0.28 inches and 0.226 inches

NSN 4730-00-010-7636 Boss Reducer

boss reducer nsn 4730000107636. reducer type concentric

NSN 5325-00-017-6908 Turn lock Fastener Receptacle

turn lock fastener receptacle nsn 5325000176908. the receptacle height is 1.062 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-1904 Screw

thread length 0.625in. ⁓5/8 head diameter between 0.28 inches and 0.226 inches

NSN 5342-00-017-6429 Carriage Return Latch

carriage return latch nsn 5342000176429. the fsc application data is teletype and facsimile equipment

NSN 5120-00-017-6419 Terminal Crim Contact Positioner

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000176419. the special features are turret head type

Turn lock Fastener Stud Assembly NSN 5325-00-017-6415

turn lock fastener stud assembly nsn 5325000176415. the eyelet length is 0.22 inches

NSN 5355-00-013-1849 Knob

depth 0.46 inches length 0.75 inches outside diameter 0.5 inches

NSN 5305-00-017-6336 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000176336. the thread class is 2a. the thread directions is right hand. the thread length is 0.626 inches minimum.

6130-00-013-1834 Power Supply

maintenance transport group an/tya-24

5305-00-017-6174 Shoulder Screw

fastener length 3.625in. ⁓3-5/8

NSN 5360-00-013-1743 Helical Spring

spring free length 0.016 inches steel material

5310-00-017-6164 Flat Washer

hole diameter 0.89in. ⁓57/64

5315-00-017-6156 Machine Key

overall length 2in. ⁓2-1/64

NSN 5330-00-017-6102 Plain Encased Seal

plain encased seal nsn 5330000176102. the outside diameter is 6.631 inches