Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 3020-00-010-8092 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000108092. body style plain solid

NSN 3020-00-010-8091 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000108091. body style plain solid

NSN 3020-00-010-8081 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000108081. body style webbed offset solid

NSN 2825-00-010-8028 Poppet Valve Lifter

poppet valve lifter nsn 2825000108028. general characteristics item description steam turbine ships propulsion system

NSN 4820-00-010-8026 Valve Seat

valve seat nsn 4820000108026. end item identification steam turbine ships propulsion system

5962-00-014-6588 Digital Microcircuit

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146588. the test data document is 98230-0n088588 drawing (this is the basic governing drawing such as a contractor drawing original equipment manufacturer drawing etc.; excludes any specification standard or other docum

NSN 5330-00-010-7982 Seat Seal

seat seal nsn 5330000107982. end item identification manifold ivl red hip .50ips 1000 psi sbu crs; manifold 6vl red hip 0.5ips 3000psi sbu crs; manifold 6vl red hip .25ips 3000psi sbu crs; manifold 1vl red hip 0.25ips 4500psi swldg

NSN 4820-00-010-7974 Plug Valve

plug valve nsn 4820000107974. nominal pipe size accommodated 1.0 inches 1st end

NSN 4820-00-010-7973 Ball Valve Parts Kit

ball valve parts kit nsn 4820000107973. criticality code justification zzzy

NSN 5977-00-010-7953 Electrical Conta Holder Assembly

electrical conta holder assembly nsn 5977000107953. brush pressure spring included

5133-00-018-7947 Hole Forming Cutter

steel hole forming cutter with a drill diameter of 0.421in and drill length of 0.812in. nsn 5133000187947.

4470-00-010-8125 Water Level Meter

water level meter 4470000108125. criticality code justification zzzy

NSN 1440-00-010-8074 Tuning Drive Mount

tuning drive mount nsn 1440000108074.

4921-00-010-8018 Retreiving Cage Ass

retreiving cage ass nsn 4921000108018. overall length 23.719 inches.

NSN 5910-00-010-8184 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108184. reliability indicator established

5910-00-010-7921 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000107921. body style w/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminals.

5120-00-010-7916 Flat Tip Screwdriver

flat tip screwdriver nsn 5120000107916. end thickness 0.035 inches.

5310-00-010-7826 Stamped Nut

stamped nut nsn 5310000107826. mating member diameter accommodated 0.625 inches.

5310-00-010-7824 Stamped Nut

stamped nut nsn 5310000107824. mating member diameter accommodated 0.438 inches.

5998-00-018-7684 Circuit Board

bourns instruments circuit board. nsn 5998000187684.

5910-00-014-6567 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146567.

NSN 5305-00-013-3569 Screw

thread length between 0.625in. ⁓5/8 nominal thread diameter 0.19in. (uts #10)

5910-00-014-6563 Paper Metallized Fixed Capacitor

paper metallized fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146563. the body style is w/o mtg facilities axial terminals.

5310-00-010-7814 Stamped Nut

stamped nut nsn 5310000107814. mating member diameter accommodated 0.250 inches.

NSN 5305-00-013-3551 Machine Screw

thread length between 0.23in. and 0.248in. ⁓1/4 fastener length 0.313in. ⁓21/64

5120-00-019-0958 Tool Assembly

tool assembly nsn 5120000190958.

4140-00-019-0928 Axial Fan Impeller

diameter 8.5 inches 4140-00-019-0928

4320-00-013-3526 Hydraulic Motor-pump Valve Head

pump design control activity motor 75250

3040-00-013-3518 Drive Splined Shaft

drive splined shaft nsn 3040000133518.