Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5310-00-010-8396 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108396. thread quantity per inch: 24

NSN 5998-00-018-9596 Circuit Card

general dynamics mission systems circuit card. nsn 5998000189596.

NSN 5310-00-010-8395 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108395. thread direction: right-hand

1560-00-019-2712 Strip Weight

lockheed martin corporation strip weight. nsn 1560000192712.

NSN 5360-00-010-8391 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000108391. coil quantity: 6

NSN 5360-00-010-8390 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000108390. spring free length: 1.094 inches

NSN 5310-00-010-8385 Cap Self-locking Nut

cap self-locking nut nsn 5310000108385. thread direction: right-hand

NSN 5310-00-010-8383 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108383. thread direction: right-hand

NSN 5360-00-010-8376 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000108376. spring solid length: 2.926 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-4014 Screw

fastener length 1.75in. ⁓1-3/4 nominal thread diameter 0.19in. (uts #10)

NSN 5315-00-010-8373 Headless Straight Pin

headless straight pin nsn 5315000108373. first end taper length: between 0.05 inches and 0.01 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-3981 Screw

thread length 0.212in. ⁓7/32 head diameter between 0.38 inches and 0.332 inches

NSN 5305-00-018-8741 Machine Screw

allis-chalmers corp. machine screw nsn 5305000188741.

NSN 5305-00-013-3957 Machine Screw

thread length 0.625in. ⁓5/8 head diameter between 0.27 inches and 0.225 inches

Machine Screw NSN 5305-00-018-8739

flat countersunk head style. machine screw nsn 5305000188739.

1650-00-013-3945 Hydrau Selector Set

hydrau selector set nsn 1650000133945.

NSN 5998-00-010-8364 Circuit Card Assembly

circuit card assembly nsn 5998000108364. overall height: 0.219 inches

NSN 6640-00-010-8363 Screw Cap Bottle

screw cap bottle nsn 6640000108363. overall length: 9.500 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-3906 Screw

thread length 1.02in. ⁓1-1/32 head diameter between 0.722 inches and 0.762 inches

NSN 6640-00-010-8360 Erlenmeyer Flask

erlenmeyer flask nsn 6640000108360. primary container unit quantity: 1

1680-00-013-4242 Housing Cover

3.625 in. w four holes 0.159 in. min and 0.164 in. max dia one hole 1.25 in. diameter and 0.593 in. deep aluminum alloy qq-a-250/8

NSN 5310-00-010-8214 Recessed Washer

recessed washer nsn 5310000108214. hole diameter 0.89in. ⁓57/64

NSN 1095-00-010-8193 Bellcrank Link

bellcrank link nsn 1095000108193. general characteristics item description aluminum alloy qq-a-200/11 0.826in. lg 0.23 in. thk

NSN 1095-00-010-8191 Hook Tie Link

hook tie link nsn 1095000108191. general characteristics item description cres mil-s-5059 1/2 hard 15.06in. lg 0.094 in. thk

NSN 5910-00-010-8159 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108159. anode type solid

NSN 2040-00-010-8043 Right Ang Gear Unit

right ang gear unit nsn 2040000108043. end item identification marine hardware and hull items

NSN 2530-00-010-8149 Hydraulic Brake Master Parts Kit

hydraulic brake master parts kit nsn 2530000108149. component quantity 10

NSN 5910-00-010-8123 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108123. impedance at minimum operating temp in ohms 55.0

NSN 5910-00-010-8104 Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor

electrolytic fixed capacitor nsn 5910000108104. body style w/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminalsw/o mtg facilities axial terminals

NSN 3020-00-010-8096 Spur Gear

spur gear nsn 3020000108096. body style plain solid