Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5320-00-013-4773 Rivet

fastener length 0.25in. ⁓1/4 steel material

NSN 5320-00-013-4763 Rivet

fastener length 4in. ⁓4-1/64 steel material

5320-00-013-4760 Solid Rivet

fastener length between 3.484in. and 3.516in. ⁓3-33/64

NSN 5320-00-013-4713 Solid Rivet

fastener length between 2.859in. and 2.891in. ⁓2-57/64 steel material

5950-00-015-0086 Reactor

overall height 1.25 inches

5865-00-012-7467 Housing

nsn 5865000127467. assembly

5865-00-012-7412 Shaft And Roller

roller assembly nsn 5865000127412.

2840-00-012-7125 Case And Vane

case and assembly nsn 2840000127125.

NSN 5305-00-017-8471 Assembled Washer Screw

assembled washer screw nsn 5305000178471. the material is steel comp 1010 or steel comp 1015 or steel comp 1016 or steel comp 1018 or steel comp 1019 or steel comp 1020 or steel comp 1211 or steel comp 1212 or steel comp 1213

NSN 5310-00-010-8417 Flat Washer

flat washer nsn 5310000108417. hole diameter: between 0.38 inches and 0.42 inches ⁓27/64 inches

NSN 5310-00-010-8414 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108414. thread direction: right-hand

NSN 5310-00-010-8413 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108413. width across flats: between 0.928 inches and 0.94 inches ⁓61/64 inches

2840-00-019-2216 Breather Tube Elbow

overall length 3.628in. ⁓3-41/64

NSN 5310-00-013-4538 Plain Nut

nut height between 0.117in. and 0.13in. ⁓9/64 copper material

NSN 5310-00-013-4530 Plain Nut

nut height between 0.12in. and 0.114in. ⁓1/8 steel material

NSN 5310-00-010-8411 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000108411. thread direction: right-hand

NSN 3110-00-010-8407 Airframe Ball Bearing

airframe ball bearing nsn 3110000108407. bore diameter: 2.5622 inches minimum and 2.5628 inches maximum

6210-00-019-1792 Indicator Light Assembly

indicator light assembly nsn 6210000191792. the overall length is 2.375in. ⁓2-3/8. the overall height is 1.96 inches. the overall width is 1.25 inches.

5305-00-013-4432 Machine Screw

thread length 1.097in. ⁓1-7/64

5310-00-019-2001 Hexagon Plain Nut

nut height between 0.235in. and 0.255in. ⁓17/64

NSN 4010-00-017-8267 Cable Assembly

cable assembly nsn 4010000178267. the end item identification is aviation uh-1

NSN 5305-00-013-4416 Screw

fastener length 0.5in. ⁓1/2 countersink angle between 80 degrees and 82 degrees

NSN 5305-00-013-4404 Screw

thread length between 1.417in. and 1.5in. ⁓1-1/2 countersink angle between 80 degrees and 82 degrees

NSN 5930-00-015-0041 Switch

overall height 0.625 inches overall diameter 0.562in. ⁓9/16

NSN 5360-00-015-0040 Compression Helical Spring

compression helical spring nsn 5360000150040. the coil quantity is 8-5/10