Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5330-00-017-6102 Plain Encased Seal

plain encased seal nsn 5330000176102. the outside diameter is 6.631 inches

Headless Grooved Pin NSN 5315-00-017-6097

headless grooved pin nsn 5315000176097. the diameter is between 0.093 inches and 0.094 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-1721 Screw

thread length 0.597in. ⁓39/64 countersink angle 80 degrees

NSN 5310-00-013-1692 Plain Nut

width across flats between 0.736in. and 0.75in. ⁓3/4 copper material

NSN 5310-00-013-1659 Plain Nut

nut height 0.781in. ⁓25/32 steel material

5930-00-014-6520 Thermostatic Switch

thermostatic switch nsn 5930000146520. the overall length is 5.500 inches

NSN 5306-00-017-5123 Internal Wrenching Bolt

internal wrenching bolt nsn 5306000175123. the head diameter is 0.438 inches

NSN 5310-00-017-5108 Hexagon Self-locking Nut

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000175108. the locking feature is prevailing torque with nonmetallic insert

Interconnect Cable NSN 5995-00-013-9951

interconnect cable nsn 5995000139951. another reference number is 627570-1 and the cage code is 06481

NSN 5310-00-017-5080 Hexagon Slotted Plain Nut

hexagon slotted plain nut nsn 5310000175080. the nut height is 1.719in. ⁓1-23/32

5950-00-013-8186 Radio Frequency Coil

radio frequency coil nsn 5950000138186. the body length is 0.656 inches and the overall diameter is 0.203 inches.

5935-00-014-6517 Electrical Plug Connector

electrical plug connector nsn 5935000146517. the overall length is 0.875 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-3418 Machine Screw

minimum tensile strength 60000 pounds per square inch

NSN 5310-00-017-4916 Lock Washer

lock washer nsn 5310000174916. the hole diameter is between 0.256in. and 0.267in. ⁓9/32

4920-00-013-2192 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000132192.

NSN 5305-00-017-5238 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000175238. the thread class is 2a. the thread direction is right hand. the thread length is 0.844 inches minimum and 1.000 inches maximum.

1430-00-013-3077 Trigger Assembly

trigger assembly nsn 1430000133077.

NSN 5305-00-017-5162 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000175162. the thread class is 2a. the thread direction is right hand. thread length is between 0.875 inches and 1.0 inches ⁓1/64.

5305-00-013-2982 Machine

nsn 5305000132982. machine screw

5310-00-017-4849 Hexagon Plain Nut

nut height 0.422 inches

NSN 5305-00-013-2894 Machine Screw

machine nsn 5305000132894.

5305-00-013-2882 Machine Screw

machine screw nsn 5305000132882.

5935-00-014-6495 Electrical Plug Connector

electrical plug connector nsn 5935000146495. the body length is 6.360 inches minimum and 6.400 inches maximum

5325-00-013-2862 Turnlock Fastener Stud

turnlock fastener stud nsn 5325000132862.

NSN 5905-00-017-4700 Pre Wire Wound Variable Resistor

pre wire wound variable resistor nsn 5905000174700. the body style is cylindrical servo mounted. the mounting lip diameter is 0.875 inches. the mounting lip depth is 0.062.

NSN 3040-00-013-2850 Counterbalance Weight

counterbalance weight nsn 3040000132850.

NSN 5930-00-017-4794 Switch Assembly

switch assembly nsn 5930000174794. the precious material is gold and the precious material and location is printed circuit board circuit surfaces gold

NSN 4730-00-013-2839 Flange To Tube Elbow

to tube elbow nsn 4730000132839.

6605-00-013-2432 Printed Cable Assy

printed cable assy nsn 6605000132432.

6625-00-013-2424 Voltmeter

voltmeter nsn 6625000132424.