Recently Updated NSNs

National stock numbers that we have updated recently with new information.

NSN 5310-00-010-9312 Flat Washer

5310000109312. flat washer has a hole diameter of between 0.261inches and 0.271 inches.

NSN 5310-00-010-9310 Flat Washer

5310000109310. flat washer has a thickness of 0.063 inches and an overall diameter of between 0.927 inches and 0.947 inches.

NSN 5310-00-010-9308 Flat Washer

5310000109308. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.328 inches and 0.333 inches.

NSN 5310-00-010-9302 Flat Washer

5310000109302. flat washer has a hole diameter of between 0.203 inches and 0.208 inches.

4730-00-013-6921 Tube Tee

tube tee nsn 4730000136921.

4920-00-013-6884 Probe Assembly

probe assembly nsn 4920000136884.

NSN 5996-00-010-9269 Electronic Control Amplifier

5996000109269. electronic control amplifier has an overall length of 2.750 inches an overall height of 1.093 inches and an overall width of 0.500 inches.

NSN 5310-00-010-9262 Flat Washer

5310000109262. flat washer has a hole diameter between 0.328 inches and 0.333 inches.

2915-00-013-6854 Fuel Control Shaft

aircraft engine model t64-ge415

NSN 5945-00-013-6845 Relay

overall length 2.75in. ⁓2-3/4 mounting slot width 0.15 inches single mounting facility

NSN 5320-00-013-6793 Rivet

fastener length between 0.365in. and 0.385in. ⁓25/64 steel material

5330-00-012-4932 Gasket

length between 1.334in. and 1.354in. ⁓1-23/64

NSN 2805-00-010-9546 Piston Ring

2805000109546. piston ring is made of iron and has a chromium surface treatment.

NSN 5310-00-010-9259 Flat Washer

5310000109259. flat washer has a center hole shapes style that is categorized as round.

NSN 5310-00-010-9255 Flat Washer

5310000109255. flat washer is made of aluminum alloy;

NSN 5310-00-010-9253 Flat Washer

5310000109253. flat washer has a hole diameter that is between 0.266 inches and 0.271 inches.

NSN 5310-00-010-9250 Flat Washer

5310000109250. flat washer has a sectional shape style cross that is categorized as round.

NSN 6150-00-010-9243 Electrical Cable Assembly-switch

6150000109243. electrical cable assembly-switch cage code: 80020

NSN 5998-00-010-9241 Electronic Components Assembly

5998000109241. electronic components assembly has an overall length of 2.844 inches an overall height of 0.406 inches and an overall width of 0.531 inches.

5320-00-013-6578 Tubular Rivet

fastener length between 0.49in. and 0.51in. ⁓33/64 copper material

NSN 5330-00-017-8771 Gasket

gasket nsn 5330000178771. the hole diameter is 0.36in. ⁓3/8

NSN 5320-00-013-6492 Rivet

fastener length 0.312in. ⁓5/16 copper material

NSN 5320-00-013-6487 Tubular Rivet

fastener length between 0.24in. and 0.26in. ⁓17/64 copper material

NSN 5320-00-013-6469 Rivet

length 1.125in. ⁓1-1/8 steel material