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Gear: crankshaft
NSN 3020-01-362-2211Bypass retainer gasket: turbo
NSN 5330-00-293-6755Cushioned st clamp: loop
Drilled .375-16x1.28long screw: socket hd
NSN 5305-00-453-5304Piston & rings kit: cylinder
Gasket: turbo oil drain
Tube shroud: push rod
Pulley: alternator
Rocker arm
.75idx2.50long hose: rubber
NSN 4720-00-834-6709.187diax2.33long pin: tach drive
NSN 2805-01-354-2119Tube
NSN 2850-01-220-9513Ptfe hose: med pressure
Cushioned st clamp: loop
NSN 5340-01-245-4505Manifold to nozzle tube: fuel
NSN 4710-01-425-4032use soh only kit: roller cam & tappets
St drilled bolt: hex hd
NSN 5306-01-266-5320St .06diax.50long pin: cotter
NSN 5315-00-195-9507Coupling
Hose: assembly
St drilled bolt: hex hd
Spring: oil filter bypass valv
Magneto gear: pinon
NSN 3020-00-442-5770