Used on 2350-00-808-7100 armored combat earthmover (m9). diagnostic tee designed for access of temperature, hydraulic, pneumatic and/or electrical diagnostic tips; 2.18 inch in length; end one is 0.500 inch; end two is 0.438 inch with unf 20 threads; end three is 0.500 inch; standard static pressure is 10, 000 psi; standard dynamic pressure is 6, 000 psi; height is 1.062 inch unf all ends thread series
Used on mobile electric power plant;a/s 37a-3. 2a 1st end thread class 12 all ends thread quantity per inch male run tee; straight thread run tee unf 1st end thread series
Used on 7386134 vdsdr hydraulic manifold assy, rmv. 2a 1st end thread class straight thread run tee passivate surface treated unf 1st end thread series
Used on navy weapons code ht, seal delivery vehicles. 2a all ends thread class union tee (no.4) no.4 o-ring face seal all ends passivate surface treated unf all ends thread series
Used on SHIP. 2a 1st end thread class 12 all ends thread quantity per inch hydraulic fitting press filter inlet material 316 stainless steel; has side inlet for .25 inch o.d., .438-20 unf-2b boss connection un all ends thread series
Used on vehicle, towing, truck tractor. 2a 2nd end thread class 12L14 steel with yellow zinc chromate finish chromate zinc surface treated unf 1st end thread series
3b all ends thread class 20 all ends thread quantity per inch tee, tube, internal thread tubing od 0.25 inch; all leg od 0.6875; length 1.500 inch unjf all ends thread series
Used on ship; flight deck door. 2a all ends thread class tee, tube to boss material 316 stainless steel; 1st passivate surface treated unf all ends thread series
Used on ship; flight deck door. 2a all ends thread class tee, tube to boss material 316 stainless steel; 1st passivate surface treated unf all ends thread series
Used on ship; flight deck door. 2a all ends thread class 16 all ends thread quantity per inch material is 316 stainless steel passivate surface treated un all ends thread series