body dia: 0.312 max, body length: 0.796 max, lead dia: 0.0251 min to 0 .0255 max, lead length: 2.000 mim to 2.500 max, volts: 125 vdc at + 85 degrees celsius, capacitance tolerance: + or - 10%, outer polyester film insulation, glass to tantalum hermetic seal found some data in cwt.poc lynn smith 661-7602
body dia: 0.219 max, body length: 0.608 max, lead dia: 0.0251 min to 0 .0255 max, lead length: 1.250 min to 1.750 max, volts: 125 vdc at + 85 degrees celsius, capacitance tolerance: + or - 10%, outer polyester film insulation, glass to tantalum hermetic seal found some data in cwt.poc lynn smith 661-7602
body dia: 0.406max, body length: 0.921 max, lead dia.0251min to 0 .0255 max, lead length: 2.000 mim to 2.500 max, volts: 75 vdc at + 85 degrees celsius, capacitance tolerance: + or - 10%, outer polyester film insulation, glass to tantalum hermetic seal