701-20, Rev B Group List No. 701-20 dtd 7/10/85, or later FAA approved rev Muffler Assy

Raytheon Muffler Assy 70120,RevBGroupListNo70120dtd71085,orlaterFAAapprovedrev


  • Models 35-C33A
  • E33a And F33a
  • S/N CE-1 & up
  • w/Continental IO-520-B or -BA Engine. Raytheon Model G33 Aeft. S/N CD-1255 through CD-1304
  • w/Continental IO-470-N Engine. Raytheon Model P35 Acft
  • S/N D-7109 through D-7309
  • w/Continental IO-470-N Engine. Raytheon Model S35
  • V35
  • V35A S/N D-7310 & up
  • w/Continental IO-520-B or -BA Engine. Raytheon Model E33C and F33C S/N CJ-1 & up
  • w/Continental IO-520-B or -BA Engine. Raytheon Models 36 and A36 S/N E-1 & up
  • w/Continental IO-520-B or -BA Engine

OEM Raytheon P/N 701-20


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